Search results

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    Jack, My New Baby

    What a face, indeed! Jack has that knowing look. So glad you rescued him from such a terrible fate.
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    Peacock Goby

    The males are a bit longer in the body and have a "bump" on their head. At least that's what I was told! I've had some for almost two weeks now and I love watching them. I bought them from a local breeder for only $3.00 each. I have two males and three females so I've put some PVC piping in...
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    He looks fabulous! Yay for Cookie! Thanks for keeping us updated on him. This has been my favorite rescue story to keep track of. :)
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    Brown Spike-tailed Paradise Fish

    How do they get along with the harlequins? I just bought an albino paradise and I'm wondering what tankmates are compatible.
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    Some of my fish

    Beautiful tank and very nice cories!
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    Two of my tanks

    Thank you for the compliments everyone! :) germanshepherdlver: The spider plants are silk. I really like the way they hang over the wood. -*-MicHAeL-*-: In the 45 G, I have cory cats, rasbora hets, cherry barbs, a croaking gourami, a male sword and two plecos. In the 35 G, I have two...
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    Two of my tanks

    I've seen so many beautiful "natural" tanks here that I've been hesitant to post mine. These photos came out pretty well so I thought I would take the chance. :D My 45 gallon. My 35 gallon.
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    Most Universally Beloved Fish

    Cookie, just touches my heart. :wub:
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    Cory Question

    Actually, it might be easier to tell if you look at them from above. Or, you can try to take some pictures from above to get opinions here?
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    New and totally tropical

    Welcome, littleone. I'm pretty sure this is a hobby where we all learn something new no matter how much experience we've had! :)
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    I am baffled...

    Thanks so much for all the input, guys. I'm even a little more sad about this because it was the first time I'd seen an albino bristlenose for sale in this area (and it was the only one in the tank). I only hope I will come across another one soon.
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    I am baffled...

    The tank did have a lid. There was a gap at the top near the filter of maybe 3/4". Tolak: Thanks for the info. Is this only with bristlenoses? I've never heard of plecos exhibiting this behavior before.
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    I am baffled...

    I brought home an albino bristlenose yesterday. I've been wanting one and I was so excited! I set him up in my 5.5 quarantine and all was well. I woke up this morning to find him dead outside of the tank. Has anyone else had this happen or heard of this happening?
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    It appears as if he's made a full recovery

    I was just wondering about him last night. Such great news!!
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    No need to be sad anymore...

    Wheee! That is exciting news! Grulla, please continue to keep us updated!
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    No need to be sad anymore...

    Waiting in suspense over here, too... :D
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    No need to be sad anymore...

    Guys...I just have to know what's going on with this little guy! :)
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    My Guinea Piggies

    Oh. my. Stan's photos are so sweet! I used to have a long haired guinea pig and I brushed his hair with a toothbrush. A NEW toothbrush, that is. :D
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    Grrrrrrrr (pic added)

    On Sunday, I went to my local Petsmart. I'm lucky because two guys working there really know what they are talking about. They took me in the back to let me see the show tank they've been working on and I happened to notice a lone betta in a bowl. I asked them what was wrong with it and they...
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    Sir Banjo of Cat

    We have a winner!! That's exactly my cat! Thanks so much. Guess I'll have to change his name now. :unsure:
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    Sir Banjo of Cat

    Thanks, bunji but after looking at that link he doesn't look much like the African Suckermouth Catfish, either. He is still quite small so maybe he'll change as he matures? I'll try to take some clearer photos and hopefully I can get a positive ID? Thanks again.
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    My L205

    Is that the ONLY song you know? ;) Yes, he is a singer/musician extraordinaire. Thanks all, for the compliments on the substrate. It's Tahitian Moon Sand.
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    Sir Banjo of Cat

    You know, I was kind of wondering about that...I saw an adult banjo at my lfs recently and the colors were darker. I'm basing this on what my friend told me it was and figuring it might change as it matures. Any idea what kind it is?
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    Sir Banjo of Cat

    The quality isn't great but I just had to share the cuteness of this guy! :wub: I'll try to get better shots and post them. He's grown slightly since I've had him and now he's about 3/4 of an inch. Thanks for looking!
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    Why do Sterbai Corydora's cost so much?

    I've also read that water quality plays as much of (if not more of) a part in barbel erosion. Just something to consider. :)
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    A Case of Fin Rot

    I thought I would post this here instead of emergencies as more betta friends might read here. I have treated this guy with 2 rounds of diluted Melafix and now Maracyn 2. His tail fins start to heal, grow back and then get ragged again. I have him in an unfiltered but heated 2 gallon tank so...
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    Black neons

    I lost another one this morning. :( It's really hard seeing these guys go one by one. I do plan to take them back but the lfs is in another town so I want to wait and see if the others make it. Thanks for your help everyone.
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    Black neons

    Thanks for the research and input, Sylvia. And thank you others...:) I am always cautious when I buy fish I haven't kept before but I hope you're right and it's just a "bad" batch. Thanks again.
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    Black neons

    Oh great...thanks! :P I was wondering if they are more delicate towards water conditions? Or maybe they were sick when I bought them....
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    Black neons

    The temp is 77.
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    Just had to euthanise my betta

    So sorry for your loss. I had to do the same thing earlier in the week, so I can relate. :sad:
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    Do you have a CROWN???:)

    That guy is something else! :thumbs: yeevia: I have to tell you your posts always make me smile. :D
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    Black neons

    I purchase 6 black neons on Thursday and two are already dead. I have them in my cycled 10G QT. I noticed one swimming eratically on Friday, I removed him and in a matter of minutes he was dead. Immediately after that, I tested the levels and did a 40% water change. Today, I found another...
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    Fake Plants

    If you want some nice silk (or plastic) plants for your tank...thatfishplace has a nice selection and pretty good prices.
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    New Fish

    WOW. I am speechless. He's lovely! :wub:
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    Betta lovelies...56K, take note

    This is Zaccheaus. :wub: It's really hard to get him to stay still. This is my newest, Malachi. :wub: He's so beautiful with his blue, green, orange and black going on. Forgive the water spots, this is the 1 gallon I put them in for water changes! And finally...this is Flame...
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    The Rainbow Bridge

    Lazarus...VT betta extraordinaire. Even though he struggled in the last days he made an effort to come say hello when I was nearby. Laz, you will be missed. :sad:
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    Help ID this pleco?

    Darn my "see a pleco that's inexpensive and snatch it up" ways. This was listed as columbian spotted pleco in the lfs and when I came home to do a little research...I discovered it looks similar to a gibby. Anyone who can ID him as anything OTHER than a gibby wins a prize. No, not...
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    pleco guide

    Agreed. IMO, there can never be too much pleco info!! :)
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    Conjoined Platy Fry!!

    Bless their little hearts! They are so sweet! :wub: