Search results

  1. fivestarsellers1

    Microworms/ Microworm Media! Micro Max Oatmeal Mix

    Culture: Mircoworm Quantity for sale: 1 Starter Culture "Just the worms package" you will get microworms, production bosting yeast, and a care sheet. Delivery or Collection: USPS First Class Mail Sales price: 4.00 Postage & Packaging: 2.00 Location: Bloomington, Illinois USA Photograph: The...
  2. fivestarsellers1


    I will be doing my mix of K2SO4 KNO3 MgSO4 CSM + B
  3. fivestarsellers1

    Mircoworm Starter Culture

    Looks like I was a little late on the reply lol!
  4. fivestarsellers1


    I am going to use the PPS PRO method on my 10 gallon shrimp tank Cherry shrimp tank I have 1.5wpg No co2 just using excel Lights on for 9 hours a day. HOB Filter Sponge Pre Filter (If this matters) Am I going to experience any major problems doing this? I plan to dose 1 ML about 2-3 times...
  5. fivestarsellers1

    Diy Root Tabs

    I would like to do some DIY Root Tabs, What is needed in root tabs for best plant growth? I hear a lot about Osmocote, which is better to use? are they both safe? Osmocote Indoor & Outdoor vs. Osmocote Flower & Vegetable I plan to put these into 00 gel GELATIN CAPSULES. So which OSMOCOTE is...
  6. fivestarsellers1

    Betta And Shrimp Tank?

    If they still sell them on the could u message me the web address to them
  7. fivestarsellers1

    Betta And Shrimp Tank?

    Going to make sure the water is in perfect condition before I moved my prized betta to the new tank.
  8. fivestarsellers1


    Im looking for blue peral, snowball, bumblebee or blue tiger shrimp does anybody have any?
  9. fivestarsellers1

    Betta And Shrimp Tank?

    Well thanks! Is there any way I could get some Blue Perals form you?!
  10. fivestarsellers1

    Betta And Shrimp Tank?

    So I had this crazy idea, I want to know if it will work! I have recently started up a shrimp tank, Cherry shrimp It is a 10 gallon planted tank. I would like to know if I put my Male betta "Boss" into this tank will he be okay? and will my shrimp be okay?!?
  11. fivestarsellers1

    Shrimp Tank Help/advice

    Well I work at the local fish shop one day a week, where I bought these plants. They had been there for about 2 to 3 weeks before I bought them, what is the bets way to get rid of a metal or commandment from my tank?
  12. fivestarsellers1

    Betta Being Attacked?

    Alright I have come across this before. Neons are very peaceful fish yes, but when kept in smaller groups they tend to get "nippy" toward other fish, don't ask me why they just simply do. What I would suggest is to actually add a few more neons like 3 or 4. But the problem is your tank is...
  13. fivestarsellers1

    Shrimp Tank Help/advice

    There are no other fish of any sort in the tank with the shrimp. No there has never been any treatment on this tank before (10 gallon shrimp tank) The sponge filter which was in my show tank, has also never been exposed to anything other than a stress coat and prime Now that u mention copper...
  14. fivestarsellers1

    Shrimp Tank Help/advice

    Well I had the sponge filter running in my established show tank for about two months before moving it over to this tank, I Just check the ammonia, I do not have nitrate test kit Ammonia: 0 PH: 7.8 Water Temp: 76 F
  15. fivestarsellers1

    Breeding Cave/shelter With Mesh Top

    Item for sale: Breeding Cave/Shelter with mesh Top Quantity: 10+ Item Cost: $30 Shipping: $7 Total for one: $37 Item location: Bloomington, IL will do combined shipping if you purchase multiple items. Mircoworms/ Sponge Filters also for sale, please check my older posts for details, or...
  16. fivestarsellers1

    Shrimp Tank Help/advice

    Hey everyone, I am an avid tropical fish breeder, been in the hobby for about 2 years. I have recently started up a shrimp tank, 10 gallon planted tank substrate is aqua-soil Amazon sword, java moss, flame moss, pelia, and other plant I do not know the name too, then some grass like plants...
  17. fivestarsellers1

    Mircoworm Starter Culture

    Hey if you guys would still like to know how to grow these please shoot me a message on here or at [email protected]
  18. fivestarsellers1

    Double Headed Sponge Filters For Sale

    Still up for sale!
  19. fivestarsellers1

    Looking For Moss Info

    thank you!
  20. fivestarsellers1

    Looking For Moss Info

    Can someone please tell me info about java moss peacock moss flame moss xmas moss taiwan moss And if anyone has some extra they are willing to give up please let me know. Thanks
  21. fivestarsellers1

    Bugs (Mites) In Grindal Worm Culture

    Hey I recently bought a culture and I believe either the culture had mites or I forgot to microwave the soil first...... What should I do now? How can i get rid of these mites!
  22. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    nobody knows ahhh!
  23. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    My 2 week old guppy fry are looking fat? is this normal?
  24. fivestarsellers1

    Micro Worms

    are you prepared to handle all these bettas? got enough jars or a drip system?
  25. fivestarsellers1

    Micro Worms

    Yes oatmeal then put them in add a little yeast. No the last time u want to do is add water. first cook your oatmeal boil it and then let it cool down to room temp. remove excess water. once they start crawling up the sides dont worry they dont make it out or onto the lid. you can feed them...
  26. fivestarsellers1

    Micro Worms

    Start it as soon as you can. It is easily the best and easiest culture to keep. Simply add a few sprinkles of yeast every week and stir it to keep it form being to watery and it will last for many many months with no issues!
  27. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    Alright thanks for the tips
  28. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    Does warmer temps make them grow at a faster rate?
  29. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    why would the cooler temp be more beneficial? Also BBS stands for Baby Brine Shrimp
  30. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    Alright thanks!
  31. fivestarsellers1

    Guppy Fry Help

    So I have about 24 1 and a half week old guppy fry that have been fed mircoworms and BBS. They are still in the breeding trap I have a 5 gallon grow out tank with java moss and 2 fake plants that is filtered by a double headed sponge filter and heated to 80 F. When is a good time to move them...
  32. fivestarsellers1


    So cave rocks are a bad idea then? My planted tank has cave rocks
  33. fivestarsellers1


    One more question. Male bettas need certain plants that wont damage there fins and such do females need the same care?
  34. fivestarsellers1


    So im guessing this is a no no then?
  35. fivestarsellers1


    My main concern is the guppies. Will the female betta hurt the male guppies?
  36. fivestarsellers1


    What is your reasoning for putting 1-3 more black neons in there?
  37. fivestarsellers1


    I just got a female betta for my birthday form a friend. I am debating puting her in my 37 gallon tank. currently has 6 neon tetras 5 black neon tetras 2 female and 2 male guppies, 2 corys, 1 pleco, 4 ghost shrimp 1 cherry shrimp. Good idea or bad idea? the neon tetras are about as big as the...
  38. fivestarsellers1

    Too Much Co2

    I wouldn't think so! CO2 is not able to harm plants in any way
  39. fivestarsellers1

    Cardinal Question

    Well no worries mate just making sure! Personally I kept cardinals over neon's for a long time just recently switched it up!