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  1. RossC

    February 2014 - Fish Of The Month Entries

    Heres my female opaline gourami, nice entries so far    
  2. RossC

    Pair Of Female Gouramis?

    Tank is 2 and a half foot and approx 23 gal capacity including filters. It would be hard finding one the same size as she's fully grown and the ones in shops are not even half the size so I think I might give it a miss. At the moment she chases the cory cats now and again but that's normally...
  3. RossC

    Pair Of Female Gouramis?

    I've currently got a single female opaline gourami and I'd like to get another but only one so a male would not be suitable due to aggression but could I get another female?
  4. RossC

    Bogwood And Redmoor For Sale - West Midlands

    Equipment make/model/size: Bogwood and Redmoor Wood, sizes shown in images  Quantity for sale: 4 pieces Reason for Sale: No longer used Delivery or Collection: Collection only Sales price: £10 per piece of wood Postage & Packaging: Collection only Location: WS8, West Midlands Photographs: Please...
  5. RossC

    Moving My Fish To A Bigger Home

    Should be ok by the sounds of things. Just keep an eye on the ammonia levels and do water changes if they begin to rise
  6. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Thank you, I think its anubias that you mean, the green broad leaves?
  7. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

    And lets face it.... tanks are never finished are they? Looking good though brother, keep the updates coming.   Will do mate :)   Thanks
  8. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Thanks, yeah I think its a shame when journals get abandoned if theyre not finished.
  9. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

  10. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Thank you :D
  11. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

    Thank you, I'd be honored, please share the results I'd love to see it   Thanks :D its a mix of Crypts, I can't remember the exact species sorry
  12. RossC

    Ferg's Tanks

    Is a shame to see the plants slowly disappearing between photos but still a nice looking tank and some beautiful angels. I know how you feel about not having money to spend on it thats the stage I'm at with mine at the moment. 
  13. RossC

    My Tanks Have Change Over The Past Few Months

    Tank 3 is my favourite mate but all nice :D   I'd say an endler too
  14. RossC

    Welcome To The Jungle

    September Update Hey everyone, so it's been a while since I've updates this journal but seen as I have rescaped the tank recently I thought I'd share it with you all As well as rearranging the layout I have added some Pink Alternanthera into the background which give a nice splash of colour and...
  15. RossC

    Custom Led Lighting Units

    Wow I can't believe what's happened here. Scariest thing is I nearly bought some of these off him, luckily I didn't have the spare cash at the time. I feel sorry for you guys who put your faith in him, hope you can get your money back. Good luck
  16. RossC

    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription £40 Inc P+P 12 Months

    I've sent you a screenshot of my account address settings to the email used in your paypal payment. Can please check that it is all correct. Thanks
  17. RossC

    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription £40 Inc P+P 12 Months

    That's brilliant thanks I'll send the magazine for you tomorrow :-)
  18. RossC

    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription £40 Inc P+P 12 Months

    Hi Shelster, Yeah it's still available. I have already cancelled next year via direct debit and on my account with the distributor so if you want to continue your subscription next year you can so through setting up your own account with them so no worries about being charged again next year for...
  19. RossC

    A Slow Adventure Through My Zoo

    The video link is not working :-(
  20. RossC

    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription £40 Inc P+P 12 Months

    I've got the first magazine now at my house, unopened so I will post it on in new condition. Also I'm going to reduce the price to £35 Thanks for looking
  21. RossC

    Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription £40 Inc P+P 12 Months

    Title: Practical Fishkeeping Magazine Subscription for a Year Quantity for sale: 12 Months, 1 copy per month Delivery or Collection: Delivery Sales price: £40 for whole year including P+P Postage & Packaging: Free Location: Walsall, UK / Post to anywhere in UK Photograph: (this is the cover of...
  22. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    They're all gone now I gave them to my LFS so hopefully they're growing up in a nice big tank some where lol
  23. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    I've got quite a lot left and they all need to go, is there anyone who would like to pick them up?
  24. RossC

    High Ph In Pond

    Although I haven't actually tested my pH I did install a new filter and the algae has got a load better, the water is almost crystal and the fish are more active so it seems to have fixed it but I suppose only an actual pH test will tell
  25. RossC

    High Ph In Pond

    Ok thanks, I'll look into some of the methods you've provided, appreciate the help :D   It is above ground, with a bank of gravel around it so run off is very unlikely but thanks for replying :-)
  26. RossC

    High Ph In Pond

    I water tested my pond water today and found everything was 0ppm but the pH was at 8.4! Now my tapwater is around 7.4 and I'm not using any buffers and as far as I'm aware there isn't anything such as rocks that could adjust the pH so much, its got a thin gravel substrate. I have noticed the...
  27. RossC

    Fluval Roma 200, Jungle Scape

    Skimmed through all the photos and wow thats grown in really nicely. I love the lush jungle look
  28. RossC

    Rip My Favourite Fancy

    I did keep him in over the winter, hence the tanked picture above but maybe it was a cold night the night before.  
  29. RossC

    Rip My Favourite Fancy

    RIP   No idea how it died the pond's water parameters all came back at 0ppm and other fish seem fine, just one of those things I guess  
  30. RossC

    So Who Has A 5 Gallon & What Do You Keep In It?

    My guppies try to take on the platys when its feeding time but they don't really have the strength lol
  31. RossC

    White Dust

    I know this is like nearly a year old but its top of google search. I also have it especially when I've took the wood out the water then put it back in. I think its could be some type of fungus. Most bogwood related fungi are harmless and eaten by fish. I managed to get rid of it by brushing the...
  32. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    Still got loads left guys, I've also got an adult female who needs rehoming and some platy fry but I'll put those in a separate topic.
  33. RossC

    So Who Has A 5 Gallon & What Do You Keep In It?

    Yeah my 2nd betta was introduced to a tank of 6 corries before and he terrorized them, I had to separate him immediately
  34. RossC

    Where At In The Cycle

    Ok all is not lost, you did good by putting the old media in the new filter you should have saved what bacteria there was. The bacteria that you need live in the filter media, not the water. Seen as you still have fish in the tank I'd recommend 50% water changes every 1-2 days. This should be...
  35. RossC

    So Who Has A 5 Gallon & What Do You Keep In It?

    Betta and red cherry shrimp in mine, personally I wouldn't recommend keeping any other fish with betta. They can be either very aggressive like all of mine and harass any fish near them or they are bullied by other fish because of their long fins. RCS are great for smaller tanks as they are...
  36. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    @anylower Yeah friday should be fine, and idea what time roughly, just so I can plan my day? Cheers
  37. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    Yeah I've got plenty just let me know if and when you wanna come down and pick them up
  38. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands

    Sorry was late seeing this, I'm in all day until this Thursday if your still interested?
  39. RossC

    2 Of My Cherry Shrimp Have Saddled!

    My first batch of young ones have all saddled too now. Its gonna turn into Shrimptopia
  40. RossC

    Free: Lovely Guppy Fry - West Midlands
