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  1. C

    Why Won't Multies Breed?

    I have had my multies for maybe two years now. I had four multis to start with and nothing happened (I posted various questions about breeding them but nothing worked). They were all about the same size so I think I had all females. About 6 months ago I exchanged 1 and got two new multies ( I...
  2. C

    Multifasciatus Aggression

    We have kept 4 multis for about a year and added two new ones about a month ago. Yesterday my wife noticed a baby! There seems to be only one and our multis have never bread before. We have been looking at the shell closely for the last 24 hours. We have just done a partially water change and...
  3. C

    Multis Still Not Breeding

    I posted several months ago saying that my multis wont breeding even though I have had them for 6 months. I tried increasing the temp, and descreasing the water changes, etc. Anyway I finally got a friend over to take some photos. They were tricky to photograph in focus but I got 4 of 5. At...
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    Multifasciatus Not Breeding

    I don't think so because I haven't seen much pairing. Most of the time they swim up to someone elses territory raise their fins at each other and then swim back. I tried taking photos for sexing but it was too hard. Might try again with another camera later. On the next water change I will...
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    Multifasciatus Not Breeding

    Thanks everyone for your info. I have since tested the water and gh. ph is about 8.3 gh is 18 (could be 19 lost count). Is this problem? Temperature 22 celcius Tank 65 litres. There is 1 other bristlenose in it to keep the algae down. On the last clean I moved a couple of shells and will add a...
  6. C

    Multifasciatus Not Breeding

    I have 5 multis in their own tank. Complete with a variety of shells and crushed coral. They dig, they burry there shells but no breeding. I haven't seen any share a shell, though sometimes they swim up to each others shells and the owner will defend it. Anything I can do to entice them? They...
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    Lamprologus caudopunctatus

    The tank has a diameter of 40cms so it's higher than wider. After speaking to the lfs I have decided in multis because they need less space and can live together happily as opposed to a pair. The lfs recommended Danios as a campion because the live at the top of the tank.
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    Lamprologus caudopunctatus

    I have a 17 gallon hex tank. Can I keep a group of 4 or 5 of these shelldwellers in there? And a couple of rainbow fish and something that will hang at the top? Mel
  9. C

    water hardness test for shelldwellers

    I bought I water hardness test in preparation of keeping some shelldwellers. The test comes with both GH and GK tests. The guy in the lfs said you only have to worry about 1 test, but I can't remember which one? Also the test seems to go up to 214.8 ppm or 12 dKH (12 drops) But this website...
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    18 gallon fish tank stocking question

    Okay I got it down to two fish. Multis or Brevis? The lfs has multis but can get brevis in... Some photos on the net depict Brevis as a bright fish (almost orange with yellow stripes) others show it as more plainer dull sliver? Out of the two which is a more prettier/interesting fish?
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    18 gallon fish tank stocking question

    By multis, I assume you mean Neolamprologus multifasciatus? They sound pretty cool and not too difficult to keep.
  12. C

    18 gallon fish tank stocking question

    Thanks for you help two both of you. I have now done a quick search on "shell dwellers" I like the idea of them. The monos have to go back I agree. I returned the barbs and gouramis before our holiday as we were gone for 3 months. I need to buy a test kit and then will report water...
  13. C

    18 gallon fish tank stocking question

    Hi, I've had the tank for about a year now (previously with Tiger Barbs and Gouramis). We took an extended holiday and now we restocking the tank. We picked up 3 mono argenteus because they looked cool and we did not know that they prefer brackish water. Wondering what fish can we get that...
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    over feeding disaster

    Thanks for your help and info everyone ... I have done 3 water changes for the last 3 days (15% each). Everything is looking good again except for extra green algae stuck to the glass. Might even feed them again tomorrow! Mel
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    over feeding disaster

    You wouldn't believe it. I was baby sitting a friends child (10 years old) over night. She woke up early, and at sometime in the morning I suspect she put a handful of fish flakes into our 65 litre fish tank (instead of a pinch) without asking or knowing how to feed fish. I looked at the tank...
  16. C

    new to fish - but they keep dieing

    Thanks for you replies... I didn't do a fishless cycle, I don't have a test kit, but I have gone about twice a week to get the water checked at the lfs. During the first 4 weeks it was cycling, now they just keep saying the water is fine. I can understand the initial fish were put under high...
  17. C

    new to fish - but they keep dieing

    Okay I got 75 Litre tank about 6 months ago Over a month, getting the water tested we raised the fish numbers to 5 Tiger Barbs, and 2 Opaline Gouramis All is fine for the first month. Then added 4 baby Moss Barbs and another Opaline Gourami After about 1 week later, we noticed 1 moss barb...