18 gallon fish tank stocking question


New Member
Aug 16, 2004
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I've had the tank for about a year now (previously with Tiger Barbs and Gouramis).

We took an extended holiday and now we restocking the tank. We picked up 3 mono argenteus because they looked cool and we did not know that they prefer brackish water.

Wondering what fish can we get that we could look at breeding. If we have to return the monos we will consider it.

We don't like guppies and mollies, looking for something different, maybe a type of cichild?

Thanks :)
Do you have anything in there at the moment?

If I was going to get Cichlids for a tank that size, I'd probably go for a pair of Kribs or a group of shell dwellers. If you want them to breed to need to make sure you have the right water for the job and the Kribs / Shell dwellers prefer hard water with a higher pH, if your water is acidic, look at new world Cichlids, like Rams.


Acutally I take that back about the Kribs, not really big enough for them I don't think.
What is your tapwater like? pH, hardness, alkalinity? While most fish will adjust and live fine in a wide range of water, breeding sometimes requires water parameters more to their natural liking.

The monos have to go back. The brackish requirement makes is very hard to match them with other fish, unless you're interested in a brackish tank. They get too big for your 18g anyway...

What happened to your barbs and gourami?
Thanks for you help two both of you.

I have now done a quick search on "shell dwellers" I like the idea of them.

The monos have to go back I agree. I returned the barbs and gouramis before our holiday as we were gone for 3 months.

I need to buy a test kit and then will report water parameters.

Any advice on what shell dwellers to get? There seem to be quite a few different types. What are the most active, interesting to look at?
any are all great.

corys are good and easy to breed aswel though if you decide agains shell dwellers!
For a single species breeding tank, I've heard your best bet for interesting behavior are the tiny multis. As a bonus, they naturally tend towards colonies, so you could raise a good number of fry in the same tank with plenty of shells.
modernhamlet said:
For a single species breeding tank, I've heard your best bet for interesting behavior are the tiny multis. As a bonus, they naturally tend towards colonies, so you could raise a good number of fry in the same tank with plenty of shells.

By multis, I assume you mean Neolamprologus multifasciatus?

They sound pretty cool and not too difficult to keep.
modernhamlet said:
By multis, I assume you mean Neolamprologus multifasciatus?

They sound pretty cool and not too difficult to keep.


Here's a good writeup on them: http://www.cichlid-forum.com/articles/n_multifasciatus.php

Okay I got it down to two fish. Multis or Brevis?

The lfs has multis but can get brevis in... Some photos on the net depict Brevis as a bright fish (almost orange with yellow stripes) others show it as more plainer dull sliver?

Out of the two which is a more prettier/interesting fish?
I personally think that Brevis are prettier and personality is great with all shell dwellers. Males are slightly larger than females. Be sure to have a lot of shells for your fish to spawn and reside in.

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