Search results

  1. Arty1955

    30 Plecos Under 8 Inches

    7. Bristlenose Catfish, Common Bristlenose Catfish, L182- 5" 125mm
  2. Arty1955


    My Juveniles........
  3. Arty1955


    This is an Update on my "Babies"............
  4. Arty1955

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    My 3 Sterbai......
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  8. Arty1955

    Bristle Nose Plec's

    Hi, I purchased a group of juvenile Plecos about 4 months ago (5 BN Albino's & 3 BN Black) - (lucky enough to get two pairs of Albinos and 1 pair of Black) I was doing a water change last week and came across two baby BN Black Plecs, and since then I have now relocated about 12.... My...
  9. Arty1955


    Her babies are well and growing by the day - about 15 or 20
  10. Arty1955


    Thanks Guys, good advice I will try this. :nod::nod:
  11. Arty1955


    Hi, I have a small tank (29l) (Se attached) its got sand substrate and live plants. It also houses 3 Cory's The problem is I'm rearing Platy fry (20 or so) about 2 week old and iv'e noticed small snails in it - Now I cant put any loach'es in it for obvious reasons - Any advice any one ? :S
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  13. Arty1955


    UPDATE - She had babies last week, will post pics soon................:good:
  14. Arty1955

    Entries For The December Tank Of The Month Competition

    My small tank 29l housing - 3x Corydoras sterbai :beer:
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  16. Arty1955


    Here are my little beauties, feeding well and growing (about 1cm in 3 weeks)
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  20. Arty1955

    Which Corys Do You Have?

    My 3 Cory's Serbai.
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  24. Arty1955


    Thank you all for your replies, I believe the dropsy comments was probably down to a poor Video/ picture and her unusual coloring. I just relieved, as we all agree its not the Dreaded "Dropsy" and she hopefully is Pregnant.... I'm going to leave her in the main tank for a day or two as she has...
  25. Arty1955


    As you can see she seems quite happy (apart from male chasing her - but she can hide in lots of places) I'm wondering if the comments i have received are because she looks Scaly, however she is a Bumble bee Platy and her coloring is Yellow/Black
  26. Arty1955

    Ph For Corydoras

    Hello fellow fish keepers I have just been introduced to : Almond Leaves Alder Cones Peat balls I'm told they help Condition water and protect eggs from fungus and bacteria I would be grateful for any feedback on this.
  27. Arty1955


    Yeah! she is quick so cant get a crisp pic. She has been "chunky" lol for about 3 weeks
  28. Arty1955


    thanks for your concern Collen. She is lively and still feeding well - she seems happy ???
  29. Arty1955


    Well I have placed her in separate tank and added Medication - Fingers crossed xx
  30. Arty1955


    Thank you for your replies, however she is active and is feeding well ??
  31. Arty1955


    Thank Colleen, I was beginning to become paranoid, thinking why wont people speak to me - lol Yes, I was trying to find out if my Platy was pregnant, she has been large and round for a while now, but no little fishies???? I have tried her in...
  32. Arty1955


    Please, please help. I have tried to contact Admin (OldMan47 started a new personal conversation with you) however I have got this message below Can you please advise. Arty1955 [#10226] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system.
  33. Arty1955

    Please, please help. I have tried to contact Admin (OldMan47 started a new personal conversation...

    Please, please help. I have tried to contact Admin (OldMan47 started a new personal conversation with you) however I have got this message below Can you please advise. Arty1955 [#10226] You are not allowed to use the private messaging system.
  34. Arty1955

    Pregnant Platys

    Hi I have attached a video of my Female Platy, she share's the tank with 3 small Cory's and a Albino BN - I have taken the male out of the tank, as he was chasing her all the time and she became very nervous and hid behind the Bog wood. Can anyone advise me when she is due to drop...
  35. Arty1955


    Thanks for your advice, I will be housing the Cory's in a tank of their own. They are quite young atm, but will be using my 30ltr tank to breed as soon as my Platys have had their "Babies" -
  36. Arty1955

    Hi I'm fairly new to Fish keeping, Im in the process of trying to raise and breed a coiple of my...

    Hi I'm fairly new to Fish keeping, Im in the process of trying to raise and breed a coiple of my fav. fish - Platy's & BN Plecs - I have a pregnant (Platy) female in a small tank (29ltr) with the male is this wise? Arty
  37. Arty1955


    Thanks for your response, the CL,s are growing fast and yes they are to be re-housed shortly as they are becoming "bossy" - I will check out the site in detail as advised. Thanks.
  38. Arty1955

    Help Help Help

    I concur with previous post, if you can get a smaller tank as a breeding tank, it will be beneficial to your Fish. I would say she is due soon, however Im no expert, but if you can move her, you will wake up one morning with new tank mates - Give them lots of hiding places ie Floating plants...
  39. Arty1955


    Thanks Harlequin, (I'm fairly new to Fish keeping - 8 months) I know the basics but any tips would be most welcome. You look like your an expert in this field (looked at your profile) This is the first time I have kept Cory's and I have been missing a treat, they are very active. Seeing as you...
  40. Arty1955

    Help Help Help

    Sorry, she may be pregnant, however that "String" is a err... how do i say this Ermmm- A poo :nod::nod: Here's one doing both - lol