
As you can see she seems quite happy (apart from male chasing her - but she can hide in lots of places) I'm wondering if the comments i have received are because she looks Scaly, however she is a Bumble bee Platy and her coloring is Yellow/Black

I think it may just be bloated, try feeding some peas
It doesn't look like dropsy to me. Not from either video or the stills. Unfortunately, IMHO, the fish has been out through unnecessary medication, which isn't a good thing. Notwithstanding the poster who claimed to have a fish with dropsy that was very active, when I had a fish with dropsy, she was very inactive, and only moved to try and get food.

As Colleen has pointed out, dropsy is caused when the fish's internal organs have failed. I don't believe that any living being that has suffered the failure of its internal organs is likely to be behaving normally.

IMO, that is a very healthy, very pregnant fish.
Thank you all for your replies, I believe the dropsy comments was probably down to a poor Video/ picture and her unusual coloring.
I just relieved, as we all agree its not the Dreaded "Dropsy" and she hopefully is Pregnant....
I'm going to leave her in the main tank for a day or two as she has been through enough this past couple of weeks, moving from tank to tank (Even if her babies are "taken) by others.

PS After all that I had a power cut last night and has only been back on for 2 hours ie (Off for over 12 hours). So I have been busy adding warm water to my tanks periodically and making a make shift air pump.

Who said Fish keeping was easy - lol

Many thanks again for all your response's
Wow look what I started! lol I should have explained myself a little more. I meant her size and her colouration (note in the video her black areas could be mistaken for pineconing) make her look like it. I didnt for a second think/want her to have dropsy!
I have two female platys and have had 3 lots of platy fry so far. If she is pregnant then you will see darkening on her sides.... don't know how to explain it.... like an upside down quarter moon/crescent shape.... I have never seen any of the births... I just ended up finding the fry in the tank. They are very small so hard to find. Mine weren't newborn when I found them as they were a little bigger than newborns. I found them hiding in plants and under the rock. Be careful when you gravel vacuum that you don't vacuum up fry lol
I am glad it's not dropsy.

I probably wouldn't have thought so from the video as my females constantly look like that and are preggos :lol:
I also couldn't see them giving birth, but the strange is that the platy fry, at least mine are even smaller than the guppy fry :unsure: . I thought it should be the other way round considering the size of the platies. My wag tail platy did look like she had dropsy, you could see whitish on her red belly from the stretching. :shout:

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