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  1. V

    Pic's of pregnant platties?

    Heres one of mine in a breeder tank
  2. V

    Bio Spira & Cycling does it really work ?

    I figured that it wasnt the quick cure so I am still going with the fishless cycle. I am in the first stage. Went out and got some clear amonia and got the readings up to around 5ppm this am. Just wanna make sure i do this right. I learned the hard way when cycling my 29 gallon community...
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    Bio Spira & Cycling does it really work ?

    I was just at the LFS and was convinced to buy a 1fl oz packet of Bio Spira for $12.00 geez. They guy there told me it does contain the beneficial bacteria to aid in the cycling process just wondering if any of u out there have used it. When do I need to take new measurements and how long after...
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    More Fry Questions!

    the fry usually have to be at least double in size of their birth to be safe. That way their fast enough to get out of harms way. Do u have good hiding spots for them ? any Java moss etc ?
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    Do I Have A Sick Fish?

    As much as I hate putting chems in the water their is a product out there called stress coat. I've used it during water changes and it does seem to help a bit. Stress Coat
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    Fry Tank Question

    I curently have a 29 gallon tank with a serious baby problem. I thought it was really cool at first but its now getting out of hand , h......y little buggers seem to reproduce at least once every 2 months or so lol. My last count was getting close to 50+ fry of different size and age. The...
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    Do I Have A Sick Fish?

    looks like he's a mickey mouse platy. Hope he's doing ok now. Oh and btw if u have any females look out your headed for babies galore :D I got about 50 (no lie) and counting. My LFS loves me
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    pregnnat or just fat?

    Heres a pic of one of my platties in a breeder and she hated it lol still had about 30 fry though
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    pregnnat or just fat?

    wow is she pregnant !!! fry should be coming along any day. Do you have a net breeder you can hang in the tank to keep em safe ?
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    Testing water questions

    Once I got used to the liquid kits they were ok. One way to help is to hold the bottle against the card. Mine has space for it on the right so its easy to compare to the color bars on the left. I started out with the test strips but found I was spending a lot of $$$ for the replacement strips...