More Fry Questions!


I am the Loach Queen...fear me, mortal!
Apr 27, 2004
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Wisconsin: The Land of Cheese and Cows
Yeah, I'm asking questions again! lol! :p

I was just wondering, at what size do fry have to be to be able to be put into the adults tank? The adults tank contains one female Sword, one male Sword, one male Platy, and three female Platies. I don't want to put the fry in too early and rick them getting eaten... :/ :sad:
Generally, I would say as long as they don't fit in the other fishes mouthes. :drool:

I did notice that when I took my swords out of the breeder net, they really started to grow alot faster. :nod:

I put mine in a 10g with a juvie ram, a dwarf red gourami, and a wild caught Apisto when they were about 1.5 monthes old. They were about 1" to 1.5" :)

And yes, I love the drooling smillie.
the fry usually have to be at least double in size of their birth to be safe. That way their fast enough to get out of harms way. Do u have good hiding spots for them ? any Java moss etc ?

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