Do I Have A Sick Fish?


Jul 26, 2004
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Gloucester (England)
:byebye: Do i have a sick fish... i got him/her today (the one at the top of the picture) i cannot remember what breed he is, but all he seems to do is go and stay at the top trying to get air by the looks of things, the other one i have(same breed) moves around the whole of the tank like my sword tails do.

Can someone please put me out of my misery and tell me if or what is wrong...

Thanks for any help!

(Fish description, he is see through like with a black line on the top and bottom of the tail)
:dunno: :byebye:
Is the fish eating??? What are the water readings on the tank???I have had them to do this when the ammonia is high. The only time mine goes to the top is when they are being picked on. Or something is the matter with the water..These are just a few things. I can think of off the wall..
Angel Lady said:
Is the fish eating??? What are the water readings on the tank???I have had them to do this when the ammonia is high. The only time mine goes to the top is when they are being picked on. Or something is the matter with the water..These are just a few things. I can think of off the wall..
Not, sure about the water readings, all the other fish are fine, i had my water checked today, but sinse i have added the fish and also added plants...

The other fish of his kind is alright...

The only test kit have have is for "Nitrite" as my lfs said its not worth getting the 5in1 test kit, you mainly need the "Nitrite" one.
Ammonia testing is important too because it is more toxic than nitrite.

That fish looks like a platy. Maybe he's stressed cos he's new to the tank? Sometimes weaker fish get ill from the stress of the journey from the lfs. Can't think of what else it could be though. Incidentally you should leave the light off the first day to let them settle in. :) hope he's ok. :)
Ive turned the air pumps off for the night, and he seems to have settled a bit, yes also i think he/she is a platy :D.

I think it is alittle bit of stress and a bit of "OMG WHERE AM I? THIS PLACE IS WEIRD, OH AND 4 WEIRD FISH I HAVNT SEEN BEFORE"

As 4 of the 6 fish were taken from the same tank, and the two others from another tank.

Also i think the current is alittle to much for them at the moment, but theyre adapting quite fast.

Thanks for help, i will keep this topic updated if any radical changes happen or if he/she dies.
looks like he's a mickey mouse platy. Hope he's doing ok now. Oh and btw if u have any females look out your headed for babies galore :D I got about 50 (no lie) and counting. My LFS loves me
Your fish store that told you you didn't need the master kit was wrong. Get it and test your water yourself.

Whenever I've had a fish at the surface like that, I've increased oxygen however I can. Put your airstones on, fresh carbon in your filter and a little water change will do wonders.
Lorelei said:
Your fish store that told you you didn't need the master kit was wrong. Get it and test your water yourself.

Whenever I've had a fish at the surface like that, I've increased oxygen however I can. Put your airstones on, fresh carbon in your filter and a little water change will do wonders.
He/She seems ok this morning, a bit more settled and is all over the place exploring like all the others, i think hes/shes just a bit lonely and is finding it hard to make new friends.

Also, i have the two devices which pump the air in, on all day long till i go to sleep, and the filter is kept on 24/7.
As much as I hate putting chems in the water their is a product out there called stress coat. I've used it during water changes and it does seem to help a bit.

Stress Coat
Oh ####, well some of you may remember me posting something in fish emergencys the other week, about my platy staying at the top, well all day hes been up the top by my filter just resting there all day, now i find him at the bottom of the filter resting on the gravel, with his gills going in and out about 2-3times per second, just as im writing this he has moved about 1 inch to do what seems to be hide under my tunnel ornament.


Edit: also when he was at the top of the tank he had a massive string of poop, which was there for over 1 hour.

Check ammonia and nitrite level, was this fish acting like this in the tank when you bought it? It's a twin bar platy by the way i use to have one until it died of old age!!
bigfish said:
Check ammonia and nitrite level, was this fish acting like this in the tank when you bought it? It's a twin bar platy by the way i use to have one until it died of old age!!
Ammonia 0, nitrite is high because tank is cycling, i have been bringing it down by daily water changes.

The fish has been weird every sinse ive had it. The female i have is doing fine, and so are my sword tails,
hmmmm could be suffering from shock coz of the nitrite spike, Is it breathing really fast?

U said it wasn't eating?

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