Bio Spira & Cycling does it really work ?


New Member
Aug 6, 2004
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I was just at the LFS and was convinced to buy a 1fl oz packet of Bio Spira for $12.00 geez. They guy there told me it does contain the beneficial bacteria to aid in the cycling process just wondering if any of u out there have used it. When do I need to take new measurements and how long after adding the stuff do I take the readings to c if the cycling has started ?

I am using it in my 10 gal grow out/ fry tank that has no fish in it. I did add gravel from my established aquarium into the tank along with a small bit into the filter box which does have a bio wheel. I also threw in some of the Java Moss from the main tank.
I figured that it wasnt the quick cure so I am still going with the fishless cycle. I am in the first stage. Went out and got some clear amonia and got the readings up to around 5ppm this am.

Just wanna make sure i do this right. I learned the hard way when cycling my 29 gallon community.

Also any thoughts on how often i need to take amonia & nitrite readings during these first 2 stages ? I have read that it usually takes around 7 - 10 days for the nitrites to appear, but the addition of the bio-spira would speed that up.

Thanks again for any info

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