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  1. P


    Hrm...I think there are two other problems with feeding raw meat. One is bacteria from improper handling (at the meat packing plant, grocery store, etc). Depending on the animal, these could be harmful to not only your fish, but also you as well. For that matter, not just bacteria but...
  2. P

    Quick Question

    I plan to use a canister filter with my sand, once we can get my new tank. :) As far as I know, this wipes out my need for my Biowheel and Powerhead. And, with the proper configuration, shouldn't have a problem with the sand (I have to ask the lfs guys about precautions...they just have to...
  3. P

    Poop poop everywhere!

    The one thing I don't like about the miniBiowheels, is there is no way to remove the impeller to insure a good cleaning. (If there is, tell me! lol). I'd recommend the next size up just for the ease of cleaning. Every morning I glare at my husband's biowheel in his 10 gal tank, then I pray...
  4. P

    Overfeeding and snail population explosion

    I'd highly recommend a couple zebra loaches (if you have room) (Scientific name is Botia striata). They stay small (~4 inches) and do a good job controlling the population. From what I've noticed when I gravel vacuum, I still see live snails in the water I've removed, but, since I don't see...
  5. P

    Feeding Otos

    Ohhh, asparagus! :wub: I must remember to buy some the next time I go grocery shopping. *wonders if her shy pearl gourami will eat that as well* Thanks for the idea! :) P.S. And Jicama! I think my mom would kill me if she found out I was feeding that to my fish, and not to myself. Ahh...
  6. P

    Feeding Otos

    Interestingly... I find my husband's Oto loves the skin of the zucchini. Poor guy, he doesn't like it when I remove the remains of the old piece. But, soon after he's happily munching on the new zucchini piece. :)
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    Snowflake discus!

    :blink: :blink: :blink: Discus are one of those 'Maybe in the distant future tanks' for me. So, I went to check out these snowflake discus. I don't think I found exactly what you saw, but WOW. Check this site out...some are going for $200-$300 *each*!!! Man, but they're beautiful. I...
  8. P


    Zebra Loaches work great for taking care of snails (they remain about 4 inches max). My husband's 10 gal had a huge population problem, and my 37 gal was just getting started on the problem...but within 2 days both tanks had no snails in sight. And, it's rather fun to gravel vacuum the tank...
  9. P

    Fish breathing question

    Definitely a possibility as well. :) And, seems problem resolved. :)
  10. P

    Populating tanks with live food

    I've also thought about this, especially for my Beaufortia kweichowensis. These guys aren't the algae eaters the pet stores try to sell them as. In fact, from my reading, in the wild they live off tiny vertebrates, which in turn live amongst the rocks in the river. How to feed my little dude...
  11. P

    Fish breathing question

    .... The pessimist in me says a tank cannot be fully cycled in 3 days (if it is, AWESOME, tell us how you did it :) ). The two reasons I know of for fish gasping for air is poor oxygenation of the water (bubbles actually don't help, you need the surface of the water to be 'broken', ie...
  12. P

    =( This or that?

    My only concern is this - When I first started my tank, I had a male/female pair of Gold Gourami's, Opaline Gourami's (related to the 3 spot, and the Gold for that matter), and 2 Pictus Catfish. Everything was *beautiful*, until the male Gold went ballistic and constantly attacked everyone in...
  13. P

    Keeping the population down....

    (I agree with the legislation thing, and wish to some extent it was adopted here in the U.S. When I worked at Petco, I hated selling baby mice as feeders. Five years later when I worked for Petsmart, that was one of the things I did not apologize for - not having feeder mice. I didn't care...
  14. P

    Nasty gourimi! HELP!

    I have the same problem with my Pearls. Absolutely wonderful in their tank at the lfs (I had first seen them two weeks before I bought them), great for the first few weeks after I bought them, and now, each week it seems something new develops in the dominant female's aggression towards the...
  15. P

    The Dyed Fish List

    Perhaps an email/PM list then of those who want to keep abreast of this issue? I think I've seen the dyed green glass fish, but can't remember where, and would definitely like to steer clear of any stores that sell these kinds of fish.
  16. P

    founf fish on ground dried but breathing

    From what I have noticed, Pictus cats will regrow their barbels. I had two in my tank, and noticed one day that one of them had shortened barbels (equal length on both sides, still not sure how that happened...). The barbels are their eyes however, they use them to 'see' their surroundings...
  17. P

    Urgent decision being made.

    Thankfully my two female Pearls are content with just 'kissing' when they fight. I'm waiting until I get my pair of Moonlights to see what happens. (If they're slightly bigger, maybe they'll make the dominant Pearl behave. *mutters*) As for actually on Pearls have been with...
  18. P

    Disgusted with Pet Store

    Having worked for Petco (3 months, 6 years ago) and Petsmart (6 months, within the past year), I'd have to say that the differences in the stores are based on the quality of the managers. I know the Petsmart around here has incredibly clean tanks, they just don't stock the fish I want. :( (The...
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    My tank, at last!

    Stupid question...but what kind of hood are you using to have two kinds of lights, but only one on at a time? Awesome tank! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)
  20. P

    Spotted Pictus staying in the corner...

    If you live near a military base, look around for the newspaper specifically for that base. Your local grocery market might be a good place to start. (Make sure it's the base/post-specific paper, and not the general Air Force/Army/Etc newspaper). It's a fact of life for military families to...
  21. P

    New tank, few questions

    Whoops...doh. Got my Nitrogen Cycle diagram turned around in my head. Thanks for the reminder. :) I also know that the Bio-Spira is guaranteed to cycle your tank within 24 hours. It's just a matter of being able to find a lfs in stock. :)
  22. P

    New tank, few questions

    Quick question....what kind of filter are you using? The plants themselves should quickly be able to convert ammonia to nitrite (which is what I have found to be true). However, it is the coversion of nitrite to nitrate that will be the problem. With it being new, your biological filter...
  23. P

    Feeling Frustrated

    Something I find highly irritating, and dangerous, is that most medications tell you to only treat your tank 3-7 days. However, Ick has a life cycle of 20! days!, and, unless the medication has a special mode of attack, only kills the organism while it is free-floating, ie, *not* on your fish...
  24. P

    Sorting Catfish

    One of the things to keep in mind is that oto's are *very* good at eating algae. My husband had only one in his 55g tank awhile back, and that's all he needed. The one we have right now in the 10g is quite bored right now, and that tank is spotless. I'd go with only one, and keep a steady...
  25. P

    Need advice on nitrite treatment

    I'd highly recommend a Biowheel filter. I'm not a breeder, so I wouldn't know it's effect on babies, however, I'm guessing your tank is a cube tank (like mine), so, it's quite deep and it shouldn't stir up the babies too much. I'd also recommend at least a 25% water change daily. I just...
  26. P

    Algae eater?

    I would highly highly recommend the otocinclus. Small, cute and very good at keeping your tank clean, even if you have a sizeable algae growth in your tank when you first put the oto in. In fact, the oto will keep you entertained as it zips around feasting on the algae. I've been tempted to...
  27. P

    Ammonia levels High

    The best thing I ever did to cure my ammonia problems was to buy a Biowheel filter. The filter, combined with daily water changes, meant that it only took ~2 days to combat the ammonia problem, and since then it has been nonexistant. I would also recommend liquid bacteria starter for your...