=( This or that?


May 4, 2003
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T.O (Toronto)
should i go for....note: i will upgrade the tank

Option 1 or option 2?

Option one: 55 gallon tank asian biotope

5 clown loach
8 tiger barbs
1 rtbs
2 gold gourami
1 3 spot gourami
1 moonlight gourmai

option 2: 55 gallon community

5 clown loach
8 tiger barbs
1 rtbs
2 gold gourami
6 ottos (or.and) 2 bristlenose plec
3 Ud cats

well what do you think? these fish will not be adult size, since i plan on upgrading the tank on the way, that way i get to aquascape again! :nod:
yea, but i will ahve lots of good fish i cant have =(

but a asian biotope sounds very professional :unsure:
My only concern is this - When I first started my tank, I had a male/female pair of Gold Gourami's, Opaline Gourami's (related to the 3 spot, and the Gold for that matter), and 2 Pictus Catfish. Everything was *beautiful*, until the male Gold went ballistic and constantly attacked everyone in the tank, and not just at feeding time. He had some sense to not attack the Pictus's though. :) Once I got rid of him, and one of the Opaline's died, the two remaining gourami's started attacking eachother, constantly. SO, either I'm cursed with gourami's (which I firmly believe), or these species do not do well together. Perhaps just one of the species with the Moonlight?
Pearlie said:
My only concern is this - When I first started my tank, I had a male/female pair of Gold Gourami's, Opaline Gourami's (related to the 3 spot, and the Gold for that matter), and 2 Pictus Catfish. Everything was *beautiful*, until the male Gold went ballistic and constantly attacked everyone in the tank, and not just at feeding time. He had some sense to not attack the Pictus's though. :) Once I got rid of him, and one of the Opaline's died, the two remaining gourami's started attacking eachother, constantly. SO, either I'm cursed with gourami's (which I firmly believe), or these species do not do well together. Perhaps just one of the species with the Moonlight?
:crazy: it is not really a big matter since they are not my fav anyways....

so i guess i'l take the gouramis out!
you could probably go with one specie sof gourami but it's usually a bad plan to mix labyrinth fishes. you could always try a more peaceful species if you want to have gouramis.

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