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  1. HannahBear77

    Photo Collection Of My Pets

    awww!! Maxi is so cute reminds me of little brat Mazie
  2. HannahBear77

    The New Man In My Life...

    you could name him Thor or Hercules he's very pretty by the way
  3. HannahBear77

    One Last Equipment Check Before School

    thanks! it helps to be more laid back and care free and not be so stingy on what to do specially with kids cus if you try and force them to do some thing they don't the whole mood of the photo shoot can change real quick and be a nightmare, specially when you have one that is literally bouncing...
  4. HannahBear77

    *new* Groan I Know Fish Tank.....please Help

    i am digging the volcano cant wait to see it when its finish
  5. HannahBear77

    Keeping Male And Female Bettas Together?

    you can put females together but a group 6+ to keep the aggression down i kept mine with glowlight tetras and von rios
  6. HannahBear77

    One Last Equipment Check Before School

    i know their cute ^_^ and we're always goofin around if you haven't notice in the pictures
  7. HannahBear77

    One Last Equipment Check Before School

    i took pictures with my nieces last night to make sure every thing is in working condition for when school starts (camera, flash, and back drops) and so Aunt Hannah can have pictures to have with her so she wont get home sick and so she wont miss her little monkeys to much.... any ways ill stop...
  8. HannahBear77

    My Dog's A Nut Job...

    he was licking and biting the door cus we had our rats outside and he goes a little crazy
  9. HannahBear77

    My Dog's A Nut Job...

    lol it still makes me laugh every time i see
  10. HannahBear77

    Betta Life

    Best time to take pictures of fish specially with out a flash is during the day of have any widows pull the blinds up and let the sun light always works for me even with my small basic digital camera...When using a flash instead of shooting directly at the glass your gonna want to tilt Down a...
  11. HannahBear77

    Betta Life

    you used vinegar to clean out your tank with out any troubles? im trying to find other methods other than using Milton which basically is a sterilizer for baby products in the UK to clean out 30 gallon
  12. HannahBear77

    Cleaning Sand.

    i like my shrimps but i did notice my shrimp poop a lot so does my pleco and i notice their really annoying to have with sand substrate....once a week i suck up the first layer of sand with just using just the tube of my syphine give it a good clean which is just me turning it back n forth like...
  13. HannahBear77

    My Dog's A Nut Job...

    Lol dog would rock the whole cage back n forth till we let her out
  14. HannahBear77

    My Dog's A Nut Job...

    lol thanks, he's an unusual dog
  15. HannahBear77

    My Dog's A Nut Job...

    some times i wonder about him and wether he's all there or not
  16. HannahBear77

    No More Fishies :( Well In My 30G

    ya no im in the process of cleaning and sterilizing every thing
  17. HannahBear77

    What Size Tank Is A Betta Happy In

    good luck with your betta their really neat fish to have
  18. HannahBear77

    What Size Tank Is A Betta Happy In

    i would say a minimum of 5 gallons
  19. HannahBear77

    No More Fishies :( Well In My 30G

    ya i bought a new fish and i didnt realise she had a fungus and killed all my females :(
  20. HannahBear77

    No More Fishies :( Well In My 30G

    well i had a major wipe of all my female bettas i had in my 30g which is kinda upsetting cus i didnt have the fish not even a year but o well what you gonna do (last time i go to uncle bills to buy fish) but any ways all i have left in the tank is a pleco and 5 cory cats i have no more glow...
  21. HannahBear77

    Stop The Name Questions!

    ive been letting my oldest niece (she's 2) name my fish since im to lazy to name them all now but that usually doesnt help cus they all end up being the same name lol *pointing at males* "this one sarah aunt hannah" "no thats Bo" "Oh....this one Sarah then" "no thats Admiral" "OH, This one...
  22. HannahBear77

    Voting: Calling All Better Owners

    well my jaw just dropped to the grown when i saw your painting..its AMAZING and will probably look even more amazing when its finished
  23. HannahBear77

    Some Thing Wrong With My Cories

    its been a week since i cleaned the sand out but i have wood in my tank which now that i think about it they do get a little crazy with the cleaning and will clean my wood from top to bottom and even under neath even digging up my plants
  24. HannahBear77

    Some Thing Wrong With My Cories

    i use sand in all my tanks
  25. HannahBear77

    Some Thing Wrong With My Cories

    I'm concerned about two of my Cories Half their barbels are missing and I'm not sure why and how it happened
  26. HannahBear77

    Why Do You Keep Bettas?

    i have ghost shrimp in with my CT betta...i love bettas they each have their on personality which i managed to get on on my males bad side the only time they tolerate me is when i feed them
  27. HannahBear77

    Weather Where You Are

    Me to I have a harder time heating a tank In the winter than the summer during the summer I actually turn my heaters down to like almost 69 when we're not using the AC cus it has been gettin so hot here but during the winter I'm starting to have to use a little space heater to heat my room up to...
  28. HannahBear77

    Weather Where You Are

    My PK male bettas in my 5g with out the heater on has survived luckily when it hit 107 the first time before my dad used the AC..I actually had to keep their light off on their tank and in my room trying to keep the heat down
  29. HannahBear77

    Weather Where You Are

    It finally is back down in the 90s during the day and low 70 at night
  30. HannahBear77

    Weather Where You Are

    Now 50 days of no rain hurray for droughts our farmers are going to loose 40% of their crops and we're going to loose 15% of our tree's
  31. HannahBear77

    Aug 2012 Fish Of The Month Comp. Entries

    ill enter one of my ghost shrimp i managed to have sit still long enough to get a decent picture
  32. HannahBear77

    Need Names For My New Fish!

    what about Edgar or Pablo or Winston or Keith
  33. HannahBear77

    Question About Fish

    ive read around and saw that either having just one or a pair is better than a group of them cus of their aggression and that they need tall tanks thanks guys :)
  34. HannahBear77

    Weather Where You Are moving in with my uncle soon and up where he lives the average 160 to 180 inches of snow a year
  35. HannahBear77

    Weather Where You Are

    over where i live in the U.S we have been in drought all summer we just got rain for the first since early june...42 or 47 days with out rain new world record :hyper: we have been on a water banned since last week to preserve water which makes cleaning tanks a pain in the butt since my dad has...
  36. HannahBear77

    New Weekly " Off Topic" Topic No.24 (16/07/12)

    in today's society its becoming harder to be stay at home moms i think cus now you need both income instead of one, i plan on staying at home eventually when i have kids or at least until in they get into grade school just cus i dont want my kids in and out of daycares and always relying on...
  37. HannahBear77

    Do I Need To Desperate My Fish?

    In protest of the food my female betta starved herself and then went after my glowlight tetras, caught her in the act There for awhile I was afraid to have her in there afraid she was gonna eat all of them so I kept her isolated until she started eating the pellets
  38. HannahBear77

    Aug 2012 Pet Of The Month Comp. Entries

    that is a big bad i cant find my memory cards other wise i would enter my rats
  39. HannahBear77

    Question About Fish

    just curious dont planning on doing this any time soon but could you keep angelfish in a 30 gallon tank
  40. HannahBear77

    Do You Ever 100% Change

    the only time i did a full water was when i dumped all my fish food in the tank in my 30g and when my 2 bettas died in my 15g from being sick other than that i dont think you should do a full water change just cus