One Last Equipment Check Before School


Sep 8, 2011
Reaction score
The Hoosier's Nest
i took pictures with my nieces last night to make sure every thing is in working condition for when school starts (camera, flash, and back drops) and so Aunt Hannah can have pictures to have with her so she wont get home sick and so she wont miss her little monkeys to much.... any ways ill stop typing in third person my awesome sister n law was so kind to work my jank camera so i can get in the pictures,

it was crazy night big sis tackled little sis and she went flying off the back of the bench so little sis was in a bad mood the rest of the night big sis was not focused and going 100 miles a minute and i was trying to keep them calm and help my sister n law work my camera at the same time BUT it was! :fun: ^_^




"obviously aunt hannahdidn't get the memo we're done with pictures!"

Oh wow!! Amazing photos!! They are lovely!! They are the kinda photos i'd have put onto canvas and on the wall, far more natural and lovely than you can get done proffesionally by some people. I especially love the second and last photo!

Really lovely to see!! :good:
Awh! I love how in the first pic she's balancing on your dress :lol:
it helps to be more laid back and care free and not be so stingy on what to do specially with kids cus if you try and force them to do some thing they don't the whole mood of the photo shoot can change real quick and be a nightmare, specially when you have one that is literally bouncing of the walls and running around and and tackling sis and the other is in a "don't touch me i just want my bottle" mood, you work with what you get
i try to also take pictures either at my house or at the person im taking pictures for house because its more of a relaxed environment and you feel less awkward
Very cute pictures.
I really liked that second last pic. Very cute kids.
Great shots.

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