The New Man In My Life...


Fish Crazy
Jan 26, 2012
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The new man in my life will be landing on my door step on Wednesday. I can't wait, I am so excited, the count down is on. :hyper:. He will be my first Betta and has come from a place I have had recommended to me. I can not explain what drew me to him (he's not the colour I was looking for- I was looking for blue/white) but I just fell in love immediately, totally unexplained but thats how it goes isn't it. He will be joining my Endlers in my 12g tank, but I do have a 6g tank in case we have any problems. Here is the you tube video I have of him... Can't wait to add my own photo's of him on Wednesday/Thursday :wub: ...

Now just to think of a suitable name. :unsure:
Who took the video? Creepy laugh at the end... :crazy:

I like Blaze... :look:
Who took the video? Creepy laugh at the end... :crazy:

I like Blaze... :look:

:rofl: I assume the person I am buying him from.

Blaze is nice too. :good:. I hadn't intended on this being a "what should i name him" thread but i'm liking the suggestions so keep em coming ;) We've got until Wednesday, then i'm going to see what his personality is like before making a decision. :lol:
my betta is extremely feminine XD i named him andy sixx :3
Name suggestions:

Blush (sorta girly...)
He's really pretty by the way :wub:
How about 'jethro' lol. My mom said it was a sexy mans name once and it remains burned in my memory. Its an odd name which can even add personality. Ninjacheesefish's suggestion 'calypso' i like. I have always loved that name. Or just for the heck of it 'googleheimer'. Lol. Googleheimee.
Great suggestions everyone, unfortunately none of them have *really* caught me yet. I do like flare and calypso. My little guy will be getting packaged up today ready to be delivered to me tomorrow. :hyper:
Beautiful boy! I've never had any fish from that seller myself though many of his boys have caught my eye! :lol:

I'd be rubbish with suggestion names but I'm sure you'll find something that suits him when he arrives! :good:
Yeah he does have some stunning boys. It was an incredibly hard decision on which boy to pick, but in the end and unknown pull drew me to this little guy.

The seller currently had a stunning blue/yellow half moon on eBay just now which if I had a tank for I'd snatch up in a second!
How about 'jethro' lol. My mom said it was a sexy mans name once and it remains burned in my memory. Its an odd name which can even add personality. Ninjacheesefish's suggestion 'calypso' i like. I have always loved that name. Or just for the heck of it 'googleheimer'. Lol. Googleheimee.

If I get another Betta I'm naming it Googleheimer.

Such an epic name.

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