Search results

  1. M

    Albino Tiger Barb

    It's a female and it's been like this for about 4 days now.
  2. M

    Albino Tiger Barb

    I have 6 Tiger Barbs and 5 Ablino Tiger barbs in my tank. One of the albino barbs is always pointing down. It does straighten up for short periods but then goes back to pointing down and just stays amongst the plants. It is also paler than the others. Could this be a swim bladder infection...
  3. M


    Wow, that is some great information. Thank you very much.
  4. M


    My local store are selling the Red Belly ones, and after seeing a tv program on them the other week I really want them. I knew I would have to get a big tank, and have already cleared some space for one :)
  5. M


    Sorry, I'm quite new here and wasn't sure where to post it.
  6. M


    I'm thinking of getting another fish tank and getting some Piranha. Can anyone give me some info on them, like How big a tank I should get, how many I can have living together, what food is best for them, how easy they are to maintain. Any information would be a great help.
  7. M

    Feeding dog and cat food to fish..

    I do a lot of fishing, and I regularly use dog and cat food as bait. Although I'm not fishing for tropical fish, most fisheries allow this. I'm sure that if this was harmful in any way to the fish it would be banned.
  8. M

    Tiger Barbs and Green Tiger Barbs

    Thanks for the info. I knew that barbs were aggressive, but they all seemed to be getting on real fine, so it was a bit of a shock for me to come home to that.
  9. M

    Tiger Barbs and Green Tiger Barbs

    Hi, I have 10 Tiger Barbs and 7 Green Tiger barbs in the same tank. I've had them for a couple of months and all was fine. I came home from work today to find some of my Green Tiger barbs fins were either half missing, or missing altogether. I presume the Tiger Barbs have been fighting with...