Feeding dog and cat food to fish..


New Member
Aug 8, 2004
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Ive heard before about feeing cat food and dog food to fish.. due to its floting nature and all the good stuff in it do you think this is a good idea? and why

I've tryed it and my fish seem to like it ALOT.

I originally got this info from a friend who had oscars and they had great color and response..

Note this is part of a varied diet including: krill, blood worms, tubifex worms(freeze dried), algie wafers, flake and shrimp pelets.
Alot of pet food contain high amounts of ash and oil which can be quite harmful for the normal tropical fish. While I don't have any experance with oscars I'm pretty sure that doing this is not a good idea. Most fish food is very natural and contians few chemicals additives.
Im looking for facts mainly.. I know it has not harmed them and that others have done it.. and since when does fish food have to be so labeled as such? fish are very adaptable creatures that eat virtualy everything including there own kind..
all i know is they like playing with it.. it takes a good long time to soften giving them more time to eat and is high in alot of vitamins and nutrients..
well, fact is that this food is manufactured for dogs and cats...and fish food is manufactured for fish....so i would stick with the fish food based on fact....with krill, blood worms, tubifex, algae wafers, flakes, and shrimp pellets the only other addition to their diet i would add is a couple pieces of vegetable (cucumber, peas, lettuce) every couple of days...hell, that is more varied than MY diet
My old roomate had an oscar and we both didnt have a lot of money but puppy chow is pretty high in protein and fat and the oscar loved it. It was like 5 dollars for 12 pounds of the dog food and the fish was huge. It got too big for the 80 gallon so we gave it to the local golf course who had a 250 which my buddy said its still alive there.
fishfood for fish ,catfood for cats , dogfood for dogs .

why would you feed fish dog or cat food anyway ? :dunno:
wow the more i read here the more i realise that most of you are simple sheep.. not trying to be rude but the mear mention of an alternative food source and you get all crazy.. its quite simple dog and cat food costs alot less and has good stuff in it. fish food is expensive when feeding on a large scale and there animals.. dont be simply lead by the fact that the box says dog cat or fish... hell just think of all the things we eat that at one time were thought not edible and good for us..
I sometimes give our ponds some cat food when we had a cat and she left some, getting a new cat wednesday so will probable start doing that again.
acaully dog and cat food is made up of mulched vegtables and vegteble matter sprayed with a meat flavour so i cant see it hurting the fish in any way!!
mikerush76 said:
wow the more i read here the more i realise that most of you are simple sheep.. not trying to be rude but the mear mention of an alternative food source and you get all crazy.. its quite simple dog and cat food costs alot less and has good stuff in it. fish food is expensive when feeding on a large scale and there animals.. dont be simply lead by the fact that the box says dog cat or fish... hell just think of all the things we eat that at one time were thought not edible and good for us..
not trying to be rude, but you're the simple sheep (whatever that means lol)....don't ask a question if you don't want responses.. I mean, it MUST be good for the fish if they haven't died yet :rolleyes: ....from what I have read, no one is
"going crazy"....we all have our own opinions.....if you want cheap fish food then by all means continue feeding your fish this, but don't be suprised if somethin really does happen to them....there are much cheaper food alternatives than dog food...... (vegetables, cultures, etc)....

Edit: Oh yea, and there are no facts saying that this food carries enough of the needed nutrients, so based on everything I've ever learned I would say that this solution is not advisable without further (scientific) testing. ;)
Get canned shrimp from a food store, drain out the water, and put it in the fridge/freezer. That is a nice cheap alternative to food instead of dog/cat food :nod:
mikerush76 said:
wow the more i read here the more i realise that most of you are simple sheep.. not trying to be rude but the mear mention of an alternative food source and you get all crazy.. its quite simple dog and cat food costs alot less and has good stuff in it. fish food is expensive when feeding on a large scale and there animals.. dont be simply lead by the fact that the box says dog cat or fish... hell just think of all the things we eat that at one time were thought not edible and good for us..
Just because it is a new Idea does not make it a good one, because most of the time someone else smarter than you has already thought of it and discovered it's a bad idea after all.
If you have ever held cat and dog food you can feel that it is very oily, in which case it can be assumed that this oil is not good for fish. Fish food is not that expensive, I'm still using a large can of shrimp pellets that I bought a year ago for $15, and a very large can of flake that I bought several months ago for $10. Plus fish food is formulated for fish, so it is usually low in fat and high in protein, where as dog food usually has a lot of fat to keep their weight up and is not good for fish.
I do a lot of fishing, and I regularly use dog and cat food as bait. Although I'm not fishing for tropical fish, most fisheries allow this. I'm sure that if this was harmful in any way to the fish it would be banned.

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