Tiger Barbs and Green Tiger Barbs


New Member
Jul 25, 2004
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Hi, I have 10 Tiger Barbs and 7 Green Tiger barbs in the same tank. I've had them for a couple of months and all was fine. I came home from work today to find some of my Green Tiger barbs fins were either half missing, or missing altogether. I presume the Tiger Barbs have been fighting with the Green Tiger barbs. Is that normal as I have never seen them fighting before.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated.
They are pretty bickery and nippy fish. Sounds like normal barb behavious to me. Mine are always fighting. Just keep an eye on him and the water condtion and he should be fine.

That's pretty normal for Tiger Barbs, but you say some fins are completely missing? That sounds a bit harsh. I'd try and keep an eye on the tank to see if there is one culprit. You can also add some Melafix to the tank, it'll help those torn fins heal up a treat!!!
Thanks for the info. I knew that barbs were aggressive, but they all seemed to be getting on real fine, so it was a bit of a shock for me to come home to that.

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