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  1. J

    planaria--or something else???

    Hi yes i do use a gravel cleaner but sometimes food sinks to the bottom.. they are not very fast eaters..
  2. J

    planaria--or something else???

    Hi I think I might have planaria in my tank because there were these tiny white things attached to the front of the tank swaying - looks like hairs about 1cm length, however i also noticed just 1 really thin small white worm as well about 1 inch long kind of wiggling thru the water it looked...
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    naughty clown loaches

    its at feeding time but also other times, at night mostly anyway they are gonna go back so I guess I wont need to worry about it thanks tho I didnt mean to rant I just get annoyed, I do look after my fish and I have never had a death..I know that my angels are better with me than with a kid...
  6. J

    naughty clown loaches

    i do know all this AND i did say that i only wanted 2 angels in there and since angels need 10 gallons each and the tank is 18 " tall i dont see a problem with that The problem is that my boyfriend brought the clowns, I did not and do not want them. I dont even like them. I have learnt a lot...
  7. J

    naughty clown loaches

    they might be just playing but they are damaging the other fishes fins. I have 2 fish with ripped fins now :( I think it would be best to take them back as it is only a 20 gallon. I only wanted 2 angelfish in there and my b/f went and bought the clowns :angry:
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    naughty clown loaches

    Hi My clown loach are chasing and attacking the other fish especially my angels. Is this normal?? Also at feeding time they sniff round the other fish really violently and try to nibble at them
  9. J

    angelfish problems

    can fish get mucus?? i took some pictures of my angelfish to the lfs and they didnt know what he had but said it might be mucus and if i bring him in they would scrape him... (he has had white spots/marks for about 6 weeks) i dont think he would like being scraped... if it is mucus can it...
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    my angels

    thanks i love angels ..they are so beautiful.. One of them worries me though He has had white spots for 5 weeks!! i dont know what it is :dunno:
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    my angels

    and the other
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  13. J

    my angels

    here are my angels
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    no way..he is the bully..!! mustve seen a ghost.. long as its not a problem..i'm really paranoid..
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    its an angelfish there was no sudden movements at all.. it was just hovering around..and suddenly darted
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    Hi what causes fish to suddenly 'dart' for no apparent reason??
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    angelfish floating around

    its ok now !!! think i was being paranoid....
  19. J

    angelfish floating around

    Hi My angelfish seems a bit lethargic and is not swimming around like he normally does and is just staying in one area (the corner) He did eat something but he didnt really eat like he normally does (which is like he has never eaten before..) i cant see any other symptoms??
  20. J

    amazon sword

    I know I will ! I already want to redesign it! after only 6 weeks
  21. J

    amazon sword

    Hi I bought an amazon sword and it came in a black pot with foam inside it. Do I plant it like this or take it out??
  22. J

    strange growth on plant

    Hi Theres some strange cottony white stuff growing on my fern plant Its growing on the roots as well, its attached to the actual plant and is nowhere else in the tank. Any ideas?? thanks
  23. J

    going away

    ok i've already fed them flake and an algae wafer..theyve got fat bellies they should be ok shouldnt they..they'll only go without for one day anyway cos i'll feed them sunday night
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    Nitrite sucks

    are you cycling? because nitrite sticks around for ages when your cycling
  25. J

    going away

    Hi I am going away tonight and coming back sunday night Is there anything I need to do with this fish? Have fed them but should I leave the light on or off?? ..I would have thought off??
  26. J

    fish diet

    Is this diet ok for 2 x angels 4 x platys 1 x common plec 2 x clown loach Monday: flake Tues: flake and 1 algae wafer or cucumber wed: no food thur: flake fri: flake sat: shrimp or bloodworm (alternate weeks) sun: peas ???
  27. J

    filter mess

    it was really annoying...i didnt even see him go in there..dont know how he got in..the water level doesnt even go to the top of the filter..!???! :dunno: he looks ok, and just ate, and has gone back to chasing the other platys around..should i put some melafix in anyway??
  28. J

    filter mess

    last night I found a spider in my filter..upon getting it out somehow my platy must have found his way into the filter..found him in there just ...24 hours (almost) later.... Anyway got him out, did a water change because loads of bits came out of the filter when we were getting him out (had to...
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    just found it crawling down the outside of the tank the angelfish was following its progress from the inside looking like it wanted to eat it...
  30. J


    phew..... i didnt think this fish keeping thing would be so complicated..!!!! or that i would start to think of fish as my babies...!!!
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    I just took the lid off to put in a plant and i saw a very small spider (really really tiny--smaller than a money spider) in the corner of the lid. i tried to get it but it disappeared and i cant find it would it matter if it went in the water?
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    glue on fake plants

    Hi Is the glue that holds fake plants together harmful?? My fish just pecked at some on a new plant i put in
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    OK i've had a look I take it I have to cycle the tank as normal??Also is it the best thing to just have one on its own?? Will it be OK?
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    Hi I am thinking of getting a small tank/bowl for a betta I have never had them before but after seeing them in the fish shop they are quite lovely, and I feel sorry for them being kept in teeny tiny jars until they are sold Anyway are they easy to look after? What is the minimum bowl/tank to...
  35. J

    fin rot on angel fish?

    I'm not sure..Have you tried melafix? And is it getting better or worse?? If they rip their fins it usually heals quickly but with finrot it will get worse.
  36. J

    fin rot on angel fish?

    Have you got any pictures?? When you say its got a toothpick coming out of him do you mean the fin?? Are the edges of the fin red (bacterial finrot)or white (fungal finrot) Also does it look kind of ragged??
  37. J


    its 20 gallon is the coarse and fine sponge the blue one?
  38. J


    Does anyone know how often you need to change the white polypads in a Juwel internal filter? Mine have gone all green and yucky Do they hold any of the good bacteria on them? thanks