filter mess


Fish Fanatic
Jul 19, 2004
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last night I found a spider in my filter..upon getting it out somehow my platy must have found his way into the filter..found him in there just ...24 hours (almost) later....

Anyway got him out, did a water change because loads of bits came out of the filter when we were getting him out (had to take it all apart) but when I turned the filter back on it kicked out loads of bits...

Is this OK?? will it suck them back up?
Its really sad :-(
I had a platy go up my syphon tube today :crazy: .. Normally they never come near...but today all 5 came up for a nosey swam round like wild things.. I was just in the process of moving it away when................ Yup... big red platy heading towards me :S I pulled the tube out a.s.a.p. so she didnt get near the pump bit (its one of thoughs with a bulb on you squeeze) .. Then decided the only way to get her out was to cut my tube in half :-( ...
Well she dropped out into the water loooking shocked and a very bewildered. She left a few red scales in the tube :no: So we may be in for fun.. She seems OK but fingers crossed I don't find a dead body in the morning.

Don't you just hate it when silly things happen :crazy:
it was really annoying...i didnt even see him go in there..dont know how he got in..the water level doesnt even go to the top of the filter..!???! :dunno:

he looks ok, and just ate, and has gone back to chasing the other platys around..should i put some melafix in anyway??

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