
Depends whaat fish you're talking about. Some fish, like neons and danios dart around all the time. Others with a more sedantry way of life dart when startled or stressed. Sudden movements near the tank, someone tapping on the tank, that sort of thing will startle most fish. Even aggresive fish will cause other fish to dart.
its an angelfish

there was no sudden movements at all..

it was just hovering around..and suddenly darted
Most probably got spooked by something. Anything in the tank that tries to nip it's fins or bullies it?
no way..he is the bully..!!

mustve seen a ghost..

long as its not a problem..i'm really paranoid..
Darting by an Angelfish can also occur if there is a particle of fish food in the water, it tries to get to it before anything else does. If darting occurs say 15 minutes or so after feeding is over. A bottom feeder may have disturbed the gravel releasing some food. As the food floats in the water the angel will go for it first. My angels often do that after the Hoplo's have dug around the gravel. Don't worry unless it starts to flick itself on rocks or flicks itself on other objects.

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