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  1. simplewhitelilly

    When Are My Molly Fry Strong Enough To Swim Against The Suction Of My

    Well, my ammonia in both tanks is the same. iv had the other tank (10 gallons) cycleing for about a week, but i added a conditioner, and a tank stabelizer. my PH is good, and my ammonia is 0.25 ppm. should i be worried about that? also, the tank is just cycleing from a complete water change, so...
  2. simplewhitelilly

    When Are My Molly Fry Strong Enough To Swim Against The Suction Of My

    thats actually not a bad idea. thanks :)
  3. simplewhitelilly

    When Are My Molly Fry Strong Enough To Swim Against The Suction Of My

    i dont know what its called, but it came in a kit that i bought with the tank. its a ten gallon tank from tetra. its black, it hangs off the back of my aquarium and has a black hard plastic hose that goes down into the tank to suck up the water, and it has a cover on it that has large gaps on...
  4. simplewhitelilly

    one week since babies were born

    one week since babies were born
  5. simplewhitelilly

    When Are My Molly Fry Strong Enough To Swim Against The Suction Of My

    i have 23 molly fry in a breeding tank right now, i have a tank that is cycling and almost ready for them. When will the fry be strong enough to swim against the suction of the filter? also, what is the ideal PH for them and can they with stand any amount of ammonia?
  6. simplewhitelilly

    Packing And Shipping Bettas

    how do you pack and ship betta fish and insure their complete saftey?
  7. simplewhitelilly

    Wall-Mart Fish And Animal Cruelty

    i wasnt aware that there were hundreds before, i just signed up for this. i thought that maybe we could get the word out and stand against the wallmarts that do mistreat their fish
  8. simplewhitelilly

    Hands In Tank?

    What i usually do, is i will rinc my hands very well, scrubbing with a face cloth. I dont like to use soap on my hands before i put them in my tank because a lot of soaps contain lye and that can kill your fish. i know its not a lot, but id rather be safe than sorry.
  9. simplewhitelilly

    Wall-Mart Fish And Animal Cruelty

    i understand where you are coming from, but this seems to be something that i have seem numerous videos on and now, talking to a lot of my friends, then seem to have the same view. and most of the posts on that other forum you showed me were for pet smart and pet co. wallmart is more of a...
  10. simplewhitelilly

    Wall-Mart Fish And Animal Cruelty

    My local Wall-Mart does not carry fish so i was unaware of the condition that other Wall-Marts kept their fish in. I just saw a video on this and it was disturbing. The tanks were over crowded (the worst that i have ever seen) there were many many dead fish in the tanks, some of which had been...
  11. simplewhitelilly

    Any Suggestions? Please Help!

    what are gill flukes?
  12. simplewhitelilly

    Pregnant Molly?

    well, my mollie just had fry, i decided that i was going to keep them in a breeder tank. i ended up with 23 of them and they were all spoken for within 3 days. try putting them up on craigs list or kajiji if you do decide to keep them. also, some pet stores will give you store credit for giving...
  13. simplewhitelilly

    Meet The Members

    Forum Name...simplewhitelilly Location...Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada Number of Years in Hobby...about 5 months Fishkeeping Profile...I have two tanks, a 10 gallon that i keep by my bed in my room. its currentley being cycled to keep mollie fry in it and a 20 gallon that i keep my mollies and...
  14. simplewhitelilly

    23 Mollie Fry

    about a week ago, one of my mollies had 23 fry. I am currentley cycleing a tank for them because i dont want to put them in the community tank because im giving them all away and i dont want to take the risk of them getting eaten by my other fish. i have gold fish in my tank so it would probably...
  15. simplewhitelilly

    What To Use To Clean A Second Hand Tank.

    every one is saying that if you do use bleach, it needs to be watered down, but no one is saying how watered down... if someone wateres it down too much then its not going to do anything but if its not watered down enough then it can be what are we looking at? a cap full of bleach...
  16. simplewhitelilly

    Starting A Salt Water Aquarium?

    i do have a larger aquarium but its in use rite now. im not all new to the aquarium scene. but iv never had a salt water. its always been fresh water
  17. simplewhitelilly

    Starting A Salt Water Aquarium?

    I want to start a small 10 gallon salt water aquarium, i dont know anything about starting a salt water aquarium. does any one have any tips or advice on this?
  18. simplewhitelilly

    My mollie just had 23 fry!!

    My mollie just had 23 fry!!