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  1. Amber192419


    Iv got a 3ft tank so how many of the turtles do you think i could get? i was just thinking of two really, can you get musk or mud turtles from regular aquariums? thanks for advice x
  2. Amber192419

    Killer Guppies!

    the purple guppie died :(
  3. Amber192419


    Would some good knowledge and advice on aquatic turtles? i do at the moment have a 3ft tank with fish in, but im considering moving on from fish and keeping turtles. But i can imagine it being much harder work? but unsure what sort of work will be needed? i know they dont need as much as water...
  4. Amber192419

    My New Set Up Tank

    Hiya, I bought it off ebay :) stuck it on with sealant x
  5. Amber192419

    Killer Guppies!

    Right I need major help. Ive had my tank set up for about 6 weeks and started off with 3 male guppies in the tank to start it off. I then decided to add a swordtail and a female. within half an hour of them being in my tank two of guppies harrased the female swordtail and killed her, she had...
  6. Amber192419

    My New Set Up Tank

    Ahhh yeah ive heard of there but never been. and thank you :D x
  7. Amber192419

    My New Set Up Tank

    Cheers everyone :) Yes the couple on the rock are fake there attached to the rock. House plants? could that explain why loads of them have died so soon? i did buy them from an aquarium fish shop its quite bad there selling house plants lol? Im from cropwell bishop, little rural village you...
  8. Amber192419

    Plants Dying

    I bought a big bulk of about 20 plants about 3 weeks ago and bought plant food, within 4 days about 14 of my plants had died and had grown like fur on them! was horrible. So i removed them straight away to prevent rises in water chemicals etc - the other plants have lived and seem pretty...
  9. Amber192419

    My New Set Up Tank

    My new set up fish tank :) range of new plants and set out.
  10. Amber192419

    New Tank

    Thank you for advice! Will keep it all in mind :)
  11. Amber192419

    Best Plants

    Okay thank you :)
  12. Amber192419

    External Or Internal?

    Amazing advice thank you all so appreciated! Going to write all these external filter names down and start looking round at them to get an idea of which one I want. For a 3 litre tank what sort of size external should i go for? (Thinking of a 4litre tank in future) x
  13. Amber192419

    Best Filter?

    36inches long 12 inches width 14 inches high volume 99 I think thats right? Ive been looking at external filters today really seem interested in them! especially because im thinking of going to a 4ft tank in the future :) x
  14. Amber192419


    Thank you so much, ! will check it out now xx
  15. Amber192419

    Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?

    Thank you all for your advice its been so helpful, ive been to a huge aquatics shop today and the external filters were in all the tanks I saw, they seem so good? im really considering it! especially because in the future im thinking of getting a bigger tank it seems more sensible to get a...
  16. Amber192419


    Thank you all for advice :) So for a 120 litre tank how much ammonia will I need? Thanks
  17. Amber192419


    I,ve just started to get things ready for my tank i.e buying a filter etc. Basically ive read up all about cycling tanks adding ammonia into tanks etc to speed up the process but i dont really like the sound of this idea, is there a possible chance I can leave the water in the tank for a few...
  18. Amber192419

    Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?

    Wow is that your tank below your writing its beautiful! Thats the exact look im going for but i really dont think im going to be able to pull it off! :unsure: this is my poor empty tank haha ... I know im gonna sound really amateur here but i have no idea how many gallons it is? how do i...
  19. Amber192419

    Best Filter?

    Thank you all for your advice its been great, ive been to the shops today. I was looking at the fluval U4 filter that looks pretty impressive so im considering going for that? I didnt see many externals and i wouldnt know what name would be best to look out for? I dont actually know the litres...
  20. Amber192419

    New Tank

    My tank :) looking empty and bare at the moment!
  21. Amber192419

    Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?

    Im trying to choose the best filter i can for my fish but i need advice!! I usually got for a fluval plus 3/4 filter. Then i came across the hagen fluval U4 one and it seems much better? it has more filter and oxygen going into the water? advice please would be so appreciated i really wanna...
  22. Amber192419

    External Or Internal?

    Any advice on internal and external filters? I have an internal filter but im considering an external filter which is best? and what external filters would be recommended? Thanks
  23. Amber192419

    Best Filter?

    Hiya Everyone. Ive recently started my new tank, I havent filled it yet. I have a fluval plus 3 filter? It was a couple of years ago that i used it I was thinking of upgrading upto a fluval plus 4? or does that seem a waste? should i just change the filter sponges etc. Would a higher filter be...
  24. Amber192419

    Best Plants

    Hiya. I haven't set my tank up yet, I,ve just got a new tank I'm deciding on gravel/backgrounds/plants/ fish and everything before I rush in and do it if you know what I mean? Im thinking of fish like guppies, plattys etc. My tank is 3ft. I havent even got the water in yet, when i put the...
  25. Amber192419

    Best Plants

    Thanks for your help!! :)
  26. Amber192419

    Uploading Photos

    Thank you, your a life saver! Really appreciate it x
  27. Amber192419

    New Tank

    Hi, Thank you for your replies. Well you see I think sand looks beautiful in tanks! but ive always been warned about sand clogging up your filter systems? or does that not happen with all sand ? And thank you for the advice with the background will keep all that in mind when i choose the one...
  28. Amber192419

    Uploading Photos

    Can anyone help me im trying to upload photos and it wont let me? I upload an attachment and i choose the file then it loads then says no file selected ? :S help please? x
  29. Amber192419

    Wow Now This Is A Planted Tank

    Wow thats a gorgeous tank would love to create something like that. I'm sure it's possible just takes time and patience till you get it just right to how you like it :)
  30. Amber192419

    Best Plants

    Hiya Everyone. Just starting up on my new tank and havent got the best of knowledge on plants so I was just hoping for some advice? Id love to have loads of plants in my tank because I think its nice for the fish and it looks great. I've had plants before in my old tanks but they never seemed...
  31. Amber192419

    New Tank

    Hiya Everyone. I,ve just recently bought a new tank, and I want a different change or style. Its 3ft, mostly black wood design. Im thinking instead of a plastic background on the outside the back of the tank which I usually go for I'm thinking a more natural background like one of those 3d...
  32. Amber192419

    Meet The Members

    Forum Name : Amber192419 Real name : Amber Barlow Location Nottingham, England Number of Years in Hobby : 7 years roughly. Fishkeeping Profile Currently running : Usually basic commmunity tank. Favourite fish species : Beta, Guppies, swordfish, loaches. Aquatic Likes : Plants Aquatic...