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  1. D

    New Fish In Cycle

    60 litres....i have 4 tetras and 3 danios
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    New Fish In Cycle

    i have three cardinal tetra's am still doing daily water changes though..Slight amonia readings :( When i got the tetra's three of them happily swam around together but one always went off to his own little part of the tank (near airstone) ... i wonder why ?? They seem to be in a group of...
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    New Fish In Cycle

    Thanks my water PH is 7.5 and the tank temp is 26 degrees
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    New Fish In Cycle

    Thanks for the above..i am doing daily water changes about 1/3 it has been running for a month now so hopefully may start to see some results Kevin
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    New Fish In Cycle

    Hi all..i have had four Danios in my tank for about a month now..i am new and was i think hoodwinked about Nutrafin cycle and the like so now i have bought an API kit and forthe last three days these RE THE RESULTS FOR MY 60L tank...can i ask anyones views cheers KEV PH 8.0 Am 0.5 NIT...
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    How To Replace Old Filter Cartridge

    Great thanks for your help.... I have inserted a blue type acrylic sponge (coarse) in the gap so may put that in the cartridge spots I will leave one in for the time being until it all settles down
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    How To Replace Old Filter Cartridge

    They do have carbon in do you think it best to keep one in there and replace the other with a sponge..I have already managed to squeeze one sponge in on one side but I do worry about blocking up the water flow though ! Is the carbon essential ??
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    How To Replace Old Filter Cartridge

    I have this filter and being new to the fish keeping hobby this worries me...I put some sponge into the filter so that does not need to be replaced, but do you think it best just to take out both or one of the cartridges and put in some more sponge Cheers
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    New Tank (Ish)

    Thanks Yeah 60cm's I have read that 1cm per litre of water so was looking at small fish and being a novice did not want anything that would be difficult to manage..The Danios seem at home so your suggestion seems good any fish that would be good on it's own ? Kev
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    New Tank (Ish)

    My 60l tank is fully cyclyed and I currently have three Danio Zebras happily swimming around (did have four but stupidly one jumped out when doing a water change RIP) Any ideas what I should look to stock next..i am really looking for some colour but I want no confrontations cheers kev
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    Quiet Air Pump?

    Mine makes a bit of noise so I don't have it on all the time..Is that ok ? Plus I get a bit of noise from the air coming from the gravel does anyone know of a way to stop this Cheers
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    Hi Rebecca I notice you were willing to donate some filter media..I am new to the game so any...

    Hi Rebecca I notice you were willing to donate some filter media..I am new to the game so any help would be terrific Kevin
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    Best Fish To Start

    If you asked me that I two weeks ago I would have looked at you like an alien...but all the reading I have done i now probabily know a little amount..I used Nutrafin Cycle over a period of ten days, I know not the best method bt I was reliably informed should be alright...My water was checked...
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    Best Fish To Start

    Hi all ... First post and very new to keeping fish well we all had to start somewhere but I have to say from being someone who thought you filled up a tank and put in the fish the reality of it all was mind boggling...However what I have to say is so far it has been a terrifc learning...