How To Replace Old Filter Cartridge


Fish Fanatic
Oct 1, 2010
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Being a 'newbie' could you tell me please what the procedure is for replacing an old filter cartridge?? I haven't come up against this problem yet, but need to know well in advance. Thanks
A little bit more information is needed here.

Internal or external filter & what sort of media is in it?

make & model probably wouldnt go amiss either.
Do you mean in the future on your filter?

If so - then just a rinse out in used tank water every so often is all thats needed,filter media/cartridge shouldn't need replacing at all unless its falling apart.
Do you mean in the future on your filter?

If so - then just a rinse out in used tank water every so often is all thats needed,filter media/cartridge shouldn't need replacing at all unless its falling apart.

What if there is active carbon in the filter?? in such case you would need to change the filter every couple of months, right?

I changed my active carbon filter recently and added parts of the old one to my filter container so that useful bacteria start to grow faster, but since then the cycle has not been established yet (more than 10 days) and mini cycles are still going!!
The carbon wont really hold many bacteria, they will all be in the biomedia portion of the filter. You can replace the carbon, yes, however carbon filters arent really necessary unless you are removing meds or you are just wanting ultra ultra clear water.
The carbon wont really hold many bacteria, they will all be in the biomedia portion of the filter. You can replace the carbon, yes, however carbon filters arent really necessary unless you are removing meds or you are just wanting ultra ultra clear water.

+1 :good: If you want to help your cycle along, take the carbon out & bung more bacteria media in there.
Sorry, It's a Marina i25 internal filter & it's only been running for about 3 months. The cartridge has to slip into a designated slot in the filter case so there's no room for putting any old media in with it. My tank is cycled, but it was just a case of when this cartridge is worn out (bound to come a day) surely I don't simply take the dirty one out, throw it away then put a brand spanking new one in with just a squeeze from the old one?? It'd have to cycle all over again wouldn't it? That's the bit that worries me.
Sorry, It's a Marina i25 internal filter & it's only been running for about 3 months. The cartridge has to slip into a designated slot in the filter case so there's no room for putting any old media in with it. My tank is cycled, but it was just a case of when this cartridge is worn out (bound to come a day) surely I don't simply take the dirty one out, throw it away then put a brand spanking new one in with just a squeeze from the old one?? It'd have to cycle all over again wouldn't it? That's the bit that worries me.

I have this filter and being new to the fish keeping hobby this worries me...I put some sponge into the filter so that does not need to be replaced, but do you think it best just to take out both or one of the cartridges and put in some more sponge

Unless the cartridges have carbon in, you shouldn't need to bother about it; just rinse in old tank water rather than replacing them, whatever the manufacturers say

If they do have carbon in, then probably swapping for sponges would be a better option (as long as you don't change them all at once, obviously!)
Unless the cartridges have carbon in, you shouldn't need to bother about it; just rinse in old tank water rather than replacing them, whatever the manufacturers say

If they do have carbon in, then probably swapping for sponges would be a better option (as long as you don't change them all at once, obviously!)

They do have carbon in do you think it best to keep one in there and replace the other with a sponge..I have already managed to squeeze one sponge in on one side but I do worry about blocking up the water flow though ! Is the carbon essential ??
No; carbon is only useful for removing medications at the end of a course and tannins from bogwood, if you don't like that 'tea stained' look.

There are loads of different filter sponges you can get at the LFS; it doesn't have to be the 'right' one for your filter. Get something roughly the right size and trim it to fit :)
Great thanks for your help.... I have inserted a blue type acrylic sponge (coarse) in the gap so may put that in the cartridge spots I will leave one in for the time being until it all settles down

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