Quiet Air Pump?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 14, 2011
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Roanoke, VA
ive tried "whisper" and "topfin" air pumps and they are both really loud, to the point to where its annoying and i feel like turning them off.. is there anyone that makes one that is actually quiet?? this vibrating sound is driving me nuts LOL.. :crazy:
I found Hailea to be quietest and most reliable I have ever used.. but I only keep it for emergencies, not every day use, as there is no such thing as a silent pump and I'm obsessed about my equipment not even humming quietly.
They all vibrate to a certain extent,put a piece of carpet/sponge underneath to soften it.

I've got various pumps,but i've found interpet AV brand & tetratec aps pumps seems pretty quiet compared to some.
They all vibrate to a certain extent,put a piece of carpet/sponge underneath to soften it.

Agreed, i have a Rena air pump and laying on its side on an 8" square piece of deep pile carpet, it creates ALOT of air bubbles through an 8" bar air stone without making a sound. All the ones ive seen standing on their rubber feet alone do make a fair bit of noise, especially if its where you watch TV. (Watching your tank is better IMO :))
I suspend the eheim i use in mid air from a wire its silent :)
these are loud even laying on something. i will look into some of these other brands also!
Mine makes a bit of noise so I don't have it on all the time..Is that ok ? Plus I get a bit of noise from the air coming from the gravel does anyone know of a way to stop this


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