New Fish In Cycle

deputy dawg

New Member
Jul 12, 2011
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Hi all..i have had four Danios in my tank for about a month now..i am new and was i think hoodwinked about Nutrafin cycle and the like so now i have bought an API kit and forthe last three days these RE THE RESULTS FOR MY 60L tank...can i ask anyones views

cheers KEV

PH 8.0 Am 0.5 NIT 0.25 NA 10

PH 8.0 Am 0.25 NIT 0.25 NA 20

PH 8.0 Am 0.25 NIT 0 NA 10
Ammonia is too high at 0.25, I am of the opinion that it is best to keep it as low as possible because even unreadable amounts are enough to harm some fish in the long term. Did you do a water change between readings 2 and 3?

My recommendation is to add a lot of undemanding stem plants to help "ease" the cycle, and to use a dechlorinator which deals with ammonia, combined with daily water changes. I also think that a 60 litre is not big enough for zebra or leopard danios, if those are the ones you have. Also, schooling fish, like danios, do best in groups of 6+ and ideally should be in groups of 10-20+.

What are your tap water ammonia, nitrite and nitrate?

First, sort out your filter bacteria, then reconsider your stocking. Here is a list of suitable species which I am currently working on:

Also, are there any media donors in your area?
Thanks for the above..i am doing daily water changes about 1/3 it has been running for a month now so hopefully may start to see some results

It is safe to do larger water changes, as long as you dechlorinate the new water first, and make sure that it is the same temperature as the water already in the aquarium.

What is the aquarium water temperature and pH?
whenever i fish in cycle 0.25 is my limit for both ammonia and nitrite, so water changes on a daily basis see it go between 0.10 and 0.25. I usually only do 50% water changes, but if for some reason i've been naughty and missed a water change i'll do 75% the next day, although that may happen only once in my cycle. The fish in cycle link in my sig is how i delt with my fish in cycle, some have found it useful.
At 7.5, the ammonia really is quite toxic, I was asking as more of it is the less toxic ammonium at pHs under 7.0

Another thing to do is to feed no more than once every other day. You really should try to keep ammonia as close to 0 ppm as possible. Given that it is a fish-in cycle, do expect it to take 8-12 weeks to complete.
i have three cardinal tetra's am still doing daily water changes though..Slight amonia readings :(

When i got the tetra's three of them happily swam around together but one always went off to his own little part of the tank (near airstone) ... i wonder why ??

They seem to be in a group of four now !! Hard to feed them as when i put food in the three Danios gulp it all down before it sinks to the middle of the tank :(
Do you have four danios, four cardinal tetras or both? Or have you bought more fish for an uncycled tank since your first post?
That is too many fish for s fish-in cycle, it will be even more difficult now to keep the readings low than it was at the start. Also, why did you add a second species when you did not have enough fish of the first? Now you have not enough of either.
I disagree, if you can keep on top of the water changes that number of fish is fine. But if more fish were added when problems were known, then you've been a silly boy! :D
Yes, but most people are unable to keep on top of water changes requires for a 2/3 full stocking unless they work from home and randomly wake up very early with a weird urge to do water changes ;)

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