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    Is a Pim pictus catfish compatible with black widow tetra dwarf rainbow fish polka dot botia SAE and a pair of kilifish ????
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    there was nothin wrong with th water..this was a while ago as well....evryother fish was fine i just noticed that the other mollies seemed to ignore her and then she started hiding in the corner and then died! weird! :/
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    how long do mollies live?

    how long do they live? i heard about a year is this true because it sounds rather short?!
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    grumpy betta

    who said about blaming ne one!!!!!
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    grumpy betta

    im moving some of the fish to a new home! and when the sharks are too big they are going too! the thing is the only ones he doesnt seem grumpy with are the females!! theyve always got along fine and the shop person didnt say nething about it! but sometimes they never tell you the truth! :S
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    can fish die of lonelyness or rejection by other fish? i had a pair of mollies and the male was ignoring the female, she started hanging around in the corner by herself...then i came home one day and she was dead! anyone else had anything like this happen? -_-
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    grumpy betta

    ive noticed that my betta has started chasing all my fish especially my tetras, like he hates them..he even chased my bala silver shark which is twice the size of him the meany!!! but when the light is off he gets worse im sure he's already eaten 2 of my tetras i had 12 now theres 10..!!! -_-
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    Good for algae

    ok thankyou! :D
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    Good for algae

    cool there small i dont want sumthing fat and bulky (which plec seem to look like) cos itll probably get stuck inside one of my castles hahaha! ottos sound u need more than 1?
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    Good for algae

    what are good algae eaters that would fit in my 15G(UK) tank? i cant think...(oh and that arent really expensive?) wot do u recommend? :/
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    Hot water

    im having the same probs as well i turned my heater off for the past few days..added cold water and left the lid open..but mines still shoots up to around 84c everyday!
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    new gourami

    a dwarf gourami (sorry)!
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    molly question

    ive got 2 different male mollies to the female not sure if its classed as a different species but theyve got different shaped tails and fins and they all love each other! and have zillions of babies! :wub:
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    new gourami

    do they breed easy???? cos i dont want little un's!
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    new gourami

    no one knows! riteyo -_-
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    Nice Fish

    i dont care about the cost my mum and dad buy the food hahahaa!!! im keeping them allll and then giving them away or selling them!! :P some of them were already devoured by my bettas so i moved them!
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    Nice Fish

    i mite just keep them seperate then! which mean i have to catch them all argh!!! :blink:
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    Nice Fish

    lol i feed my bettas by hand its quite fun! i dont really want gourami fry though can i have 2 females togehter or 2 males? wot about the guppys then?
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    new gourami

    im thinking about getting a gourami to put in my 15g(uk) tank can i just have one or will it get lonely and can i have 2 females togheter or 2 males cos i dont want fry?
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    Nice Fish

    I had platies before and they ate my mollies so im not getting them again! would guppys and gouramis mix?