Nice Fish


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2004
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Gt London UK
Wot fish could i put in my 15g(uk) tank along with my mollies that wont eat the molly fry? any suggestions? -_-
I have 2 Dwarf Gourami and they are not aggressive to other species at all.

The have little tiffs between themselvs but not often!!
2 decrease the ammount of quarrels between them get them some plants that float on the surface and put a few on either side of the tank. They will make them their home.

I promise you that they will entertain you for hours building nests in the plants at the top of the tank!
Mine raid each others nests an steal bits of plants they have lodged in them! So funny!

Also Cory catfish are a v nice addition to your tank and there is lots 2 choose from.
They need to be kept in groups to be happy though.

If you look at my signature I have a 16uk gal tank and its perfect. All the "inmates" are v happy!
thanks :thumbs: i was thinking about getting some gouramis...cos i thought i saw them in the pet shop with the babies mollies but i wasnt sure must have been them corys eat algae or do they just clean up scraps?
I had platies before and they ate my mollies so im not getting them again! would guppys and gouramis mix?
They are scavengers just sifting through the substrait looking for tiny bits of food.

If you want an algae eater you could try a plec (nice but messy fish), algae eater (does what it says on the can), apple snail or shrimp!

They will never keep your tank 100% free from algae but they will help.
My personal fav is my Amano Shrimp. They add contrast to the tank but beware... They are sensitive to some medications for fish!!

Forgot 2 say my gourami are hand feedable and it only took a week to train em!!
I'm not much into plattys, mollys or guppies but all my tank inhabitants are happy together and have no quarrels.
So i guess my gourami are 100% peacful when it comes to other fish.

Edit: (when it comes to fry i would let them grow by themselfs until they cant fit into any outher fishes mouth!)
lol i feed my bettas by hand its quite fun! i dont really want gourami fry though can i have 2 females togehter or 2 males? wot about the guppys then?
Guppies are nice fish but I'm just sure that if a fish can fit it into its mouth it will eat it!

Maybe the best thing for you to get is a few shrimp. All they care about is algae.
No danger of loosing any fry.
Get your gravel vac on the little buggers!


I think I would just keep a few and let the fish eat the others. Save money on live food.
i dont care about the cost my mum and dad buy the food hahahaa!!! im keeping them allll and then giving them away or selling them!! :p some of them were already devoured by my bettas so i moved them!

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