grumpy betta


Fish Fanatic
Jul 12, 2004
Reaction score
Gt London UK
ive noticed that my betta has started chasing all my fish especially my tetras, like he hates them..he even chased my bala silver shark which is twice the size of him the meany!!! but when the light is off he gets worse im sure he's already eaten 2 of my tetras i had 12 now theres 10..!!! -_-
Your tank is overstocked. You also shouldn't be keeping two female bettas and a male betta together in such a small tank. Many male bettas simply do not have the temperment to live in a community tank, particularly an overstocked one - they are likely to become agressive. Also, I believe your tank is too small for the sharks, but I'll leave that to someone who knows more. I would take your male betta out, and put him in a home of his own.
It really does sound like the tank is overstocked. Bala Sharks need what, 40 or 50 gallons to live happily without being stunted?

Your Betta really needs his own home. Don't blame him. He didn't ask to be put in conditions that aren't good for him.
im moving some of the fish to a new home! and when the sharks are too big they are going too!

the thing is the only ones he doesnt seem grumpy with are the females!! theyve always got along fine and the shop person didnt say nething about it! but sometimes they never tell you the truth! :S

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