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    I know this might be pushing it

    Okay well i have a peacock eel now. And i was thinking about donating the fish to the larger aquarium at school. What could i keep with the eel, preferably oddball, that would go with it. If i was also going to give away the eel to the tank toowhat could go with a bichir
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    I know this might be pushing it

    Could a peacock eel and a sengal bichir live in a 30 gallon tank, by themselves ( or with other fish) I don't know if it would work but getting your opinion
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    Algae has start appearing in my figure 8 puffer tank, what should i do to slove the problem open to any suggestions
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    Spiny Not Eating?

    The only thing you can really do is keep on trying. Try getting one of those feeding rods so you can willgy the food. Also maybe try getting some ghost shrimp mine love them. And don't worry about the burying mine doesn't bury anymore he just sits in his cave with his head sticking out
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    Dwarf Puffers

    My figure 8 eats Hikari blood worms frezze dried and eats them everything night but i also put snails and shrimp in there for him too. I think it will just depend on the puffer
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    figure 8 puffers

    MY puffer enjoys the frezze dried bloodworms that is the only thing he will eat other than shrimp an snails
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    No ammonia available : (

    Though this was aganist your fishless cycle thing, I did a cycle with just two swordtails sice they are very hardy, and lost neither one of them. They even and babies during the cycle
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    Wasp Fish

    they sound cool thanks for the information
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    Wasp Fish

    I saw an auction for these fish on aquabid, and i was wondering just what they are they look like lion fish to me. Anyone know anymore about them. CFC have you ever had some?
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    Gettting sand..

    I would go with Thaiti Moon Sand, I found it really easy to clean, and it looks really nice, and not to mention it didn't move my Ph a bit, and i was able to switch from sand to gravel without moving the fish
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    Lion Fish

    No one had any comments on this. Wow i thought you guys would be all over this
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    Lion Fish

    Today in the paper there is an atricle that said that the lion fish ahas now taken over parts of the Atlantic ocean, and are found at shipwrecks at around 100 feet, in the gulf stream. They are being found from Miami toLong Island. They are believed to have gotten in the water by dive boats...
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    Figure 8 Puffers....I Need Some Help!

    i would move those fish in your 10 gallon and make that his home until he needs a bigger home
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    Puffer Question

    Nvm found out how sorry for the trouble then
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    Puffer Question

    how do you search for stuff inside forums
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    Puffer Question

    OKay well i posted this in the oddball section but i got 1 reply. So i thought that if i posted it hear maybe some other people would be it. Well I am interrested in buying a South Americain Puffer and i need some more information. And yes pufferpack i tried the other website but couldn't get...
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    South Americain Puffer

    Hey sorry to bother all of you guys again, but i deiced to not get the Red Eye Puffer, and maybe try a South American Puffer, and since you guys are the smart ones about puufers and knoe everywhere to find them i wanted to ask if anyone has any info on the South American Puffer, any help would...
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    Red Eye Puffer

    Hahaha yeah i guess there are always a few of those weird match ups. Okay so he is really a species only kind of fish then. Are there any puffers that can be not in a community tank.
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    Red Eye Puffer

    Thanks for the help guys. I like the ones that were given to me in the link from Tor. But i couldn't get to the last link. Could you write me the info like size of tank food temperment , and stuff like that. Thanks in advance
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    Red Eye Puffer

    Can some people give me some information on the Red Eye Puffer Thanks