Spiny Not Eating?


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
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A United States Mainer
My spiny eel won't eat the frozen brine shrimp that lfs guy said he/she would. He/she hasn't eaten for about 4 days. He also hasn't burrowed in the gravle, like so many ppl said he would. Is he sick? What can I feed him? -_-
The only thing you can really do is keep on trying. Try getting one of those feeding rods so you can willgy the food. Also maybe try getting some ghost shrimp mine love them. And don't worry about the burying mine doesn't bury anymore he just sits in his cave with his head sticking out
We have a fire eel, and despite having sand in the tank, he doesn't burrow either. Like FishManiac987's spiney he prefers to lurk in a cave.

There's nothing he likes more than frozen or live bloodworm.
Yeah, not all eels burrow all the time. My first one always could be found only by his nose, my current one does not, he prefers to sit under my driftwood. When I got mine I was told he'd eat shrimp pellets and tropical sinking pellets. He ate neither. I got him some frozen bloodworm and he loves them! Of course so do all my other fish, so that works out well. And he loved live blackworm.

I wouldnt worry about the eel not eating for 4 days, they are very sensative to moves and it may take a couple of weeks for it to settle into its new home. If after this time it is still refusing the frozen food you should try live alternatives, spiney eels are notoriously fussy eaters and it can take a long time to ween them onto frozen foods.
i own a large tyre track who did not eat for two weeks at all.Then suddenly he started to feed by poking his head ou t of the gravel. He originally fed on blood worm, but now accepts bloodworm, worm, lance fish and the odd guppy/algae eating loach

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