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    I'm new..

    Or get 1 male and a bucketful of females in the 5 gallon. That way it would keep the cost down. I wouldn't use a 5 gallon personally but it depends on your financial and space requirements. Alan
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    I'm new..

    Bryan, as Alex said Tiger barbs can be nippy, and very aggresive to other breeds. They are not a community tank fish. However a way round it ,as your tank is only going to be small (you said 5 gallons), would be just to keep Tiger barbs in a shoal on their own. They would compete wih themselves...
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    Over-run with snails

    Clown Loach love snails. however you need 3 minimum as they can get lonely otherwise. :( However, clown loach grow to about 8 inches long and in time they will be too big for your tank. It does take them a long time to get to that size though. I have 4 in my 43 gallon tank. When you buy your...
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    Help needed on 2 new fish types to me

    I have already gone for it. There are currently 6 Mascara or Malini's barbs installed in my 5 foot (43 gallon tank). And yes they shoal. :hyper: I will let you all know how they get on. As long as the big angel (I have 3 - the other 2 are small) and the big boss of the tank - the Zebra Malawi...
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    Help needed on 2 new fish types to me

    The picture were great. The spotted hill trout looks about right. When studying the other pictures my Mascars barb looks like a Malini's Barb. Probably the retailer has got it wrong. :crazy:
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    Any small Cichlid would do. German Rams have alreadt been mentioned. Try a Keyhole Cichlid, Kribensis, Blue Acara. There are plenty to choose from.
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    Help needed on 2 new fish types to me

    Whilst wandering around a new aquarium shop to me, I saw two new breeds to me. 1) The Spotted Hill Trout (Barellis Canarensis) I think the latin name was correct. It looked like a brightly coloured member of the Danio family. They were Giant Danio size (aprrox 6cm in size). I have never seen...