Hi fish503.
I keep Lamprologus signatus (golden ocellatus) in a ten gallon tank.
Thay are one of the smallist cichlids of all at about 3-4 cm and great little fish to keep and very easy breed.
I would recomend a pair (m & f) of German rams. They have beautiful colors and can be kept in a relativly small environment. One thing you must remember with such a small tank is filtration, and water changes. Also I would recommend regularly checking your water conditions, say once every 2-3 weeks.
Kirbenis will last in there for about 1 and a half years and their only $1.50USD so I would suggest those too.
Any small Cichlid would do. German Rams have alreadt been mentioned.
Try a Keyhole Cichlid, Kribensis, Blue Acara. There are plenty to choose from.
IMHO the best way to go would definately be some species of lake Tang. shell dwellers. Not only would they be able to be kept in a tank as small as a 10gal. but you could easily raise a couple generations of fry in there with them.

I too keep L. signatus which are housed in a 10gal, and i can honestly say that even though it is my smallest tank it is the one i find myself starring into the most. I have an f1 pair and 30-40little f2's scatterd amongst the sand. Shellies breed pretty easily and all though it does take some time for tangs. to reach sellable size, you could get a pretty good amount of credit at your lfs for them.

I also have a 1m/2fm harem of ocellatus "gold" on the way which i should be picking up monday.(one of the best looking shellies in my opinion)

And hopefully i'll have a colony of L. multifasciatus around the 31st.(although not as colored as the ocellatus "gold" they exhibit unique characteristics and are full of personality)

So incase you haven't noticed Shellies(and all tangs. for that matter) can become very addicting. And if you do decide to go down this road for your 10gal. I'm sure you won't be disapointed!!

A few other shellies that i think are worth taking a look at are.

well hope that helps ya
Do not place a Blue Acara in a 10 gallon. They grow to be 6-8 inches and will be very unhappy. I recommend a 30 Gallon as a min for these peaceful cichlids. I have four myself, trust me, TEN IS TOO SMALL.


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