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  1. H

    Hi I'm New & New To Fishkeeping Video Attached

    hello and welcome. the only 1's i know r the orange and black clown loach and the small blue an red r cardinal tetras
  2. H

    Welcome To My New Fish :) Pic Heavy

    they look real well :good: , im lookin 2 do the same as u wen i get my fish i have now re homed, any chance of a pic of the whole tank??
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    Some Cichlid Advise

    electric blue johannii, yellow lab, cobault blue powder blue an saulosi. from wot i read they seem to b the less aggressive.i dont know much about them tho.
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    Some Cichlid Advise

    can i have all female cichlids in my 4ft tank? dont think im ready 4 all this breeding?
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    Starting Up A Cichlid Tank

    sorry forgot that bit, its a 4ft tank. i just want bright coloured cichlids but if i have 2 get the panda garra re homed i can do that. i have 30% tank space rocks an from wot i understand i need more rocks?. do cichlids like current? i like the look of yellow labs but i dont want 2 breed them...
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    Starting Up A Cichlid Tank

    hi all, spent all day an nite doing research on wot to get fish wise and stocking etc but was just lookin a bit of advice off use wit experience. had the tank going know for 6months with tetras, guppys, pearl gouramis and panda garra. i have re homed everything except the panda garra an was...
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    Advice On My Tank

    i like rainbow fish myself, some will grow 2 a gud size an have the colours 2 catch ur eye but u got wot u wer lookin, they will take a long time 2 grow so maybe ul get a bigger tank wen they do lol :good:
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    Panda Garra Info Plz

    thanks folks, al try cucumber and blood worm as a treat every now an again. i should have said the tank is a 4ft tank with 9 cardinal tetras, 9guppys, 8 marygold platy, 3 pearl gourami and 2 fish i dont know wot they r :/ they r inch and a half long grey with a silver line from tail 2 eye...
  9. H

    Panda Garra Info Plz

    hi all, i bought a panda garra 3weeks ago in my lfs an thought they r a very nice fish so i bought another 2 today, all 3 r young an same size. since i introduced the 2 new 1s the day the original 1 has not stopped chasing them, it pushes them, sticks 2 ther backs an chases them round the tank...
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    Panda Garra

    hi all, ive just bought a panda garra and was just wonderin if any 1 knew how long it would b b4 its colours come out? if i was 2 get another 1 would they both fight?
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    Panda Garra

    hi all, ive just bought a panda garra and was just wonderin if any 1 knew how long it would b b4 its colours come out? if i was 2 get another 1 would they both fight?
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    i want a panda garra lol

    i want a panda garra lol
  13. H

    bout yeee

    bout yeee
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    Ideal Blue Lobster Playland

    do lobsters need live plants? im new 2 all this an would love 2 have a couple of blue lobster's but dont want them gettin 2 big. i have a4ft tank.
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    Lobster Babys!

    i am new 2 all this, just got my first tropical tank , i have 8 marygold platy's 9 guppys and 3 gourami's and 2 grey fish wit red tail and top fin but i dont know wot they r. they r the same shape an size as a cardinal tetra.....but any way, could i put a lobster r 2 in with them? how big would...