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The October FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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  1. B

    Discus tankmates

    yeah im keeping the tank at about 80-82. I could get a school of sterbais and see how they go. if they begin to look uncomfortable i can move them to my other 300L tank :)
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    Discus tankmates

    Thank you for your input, I’ll go have another read up about corys! Any suggestions for a bottom dweller? Not necessarily as a clean up fish because I’m not a fan of buying fish for job, but just something to occupy the lower levels
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    Discus tankmates

    For my 110gal planted discus tank i am looking for some tankmates. I had neon tetras as my dither but i am moving them to a cooler tank as they didnt like the heat. What dither could i have instead? Thinking maybe cardinal or rummy nose tetras? also would a school of sterbai corys be suited to...
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    Neon tetra fungal infection?

    Currently just the tetras, 2 electric blue rams and a red whiptail cat. Eventually I’m planning on putting discus in the tank but I want to make sure everything is stable and under control before I do that.
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    Neon tetra fungal infection?

    So overnight the condition has worsened, the tetra pictured swims away from the rest of the school and seems dazed and confused. I’m worried as some other tetras appear to be showing similar symptoms. Any suggestions?
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    Neon tetra fungal infection?

    I have 30 neon tetras in a planted 110gal and I have just noticed some of them appear to have small white growths around their mouths and 1 has some white tips on its fins. Am thinking it could possibly be a fungal infection? No colour loss or loss of appetite in any yet. However they do appear...
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  8. B

    German Blue Ram Sexing help.

    Tankyou for your advice. Ill try adding a group and then wait till they pair off. :)
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    German Blue Ram Sexing help.

    im aware about how to keep german rams. keeping a species only tank and keeping them at 28c/82f. thankyou for your input however!
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    German Blue Ram Sexing help.

    Hey guys, recently gotten back into the hobby after a few years of absence. School work etc... Anyways I have purchased a single German Blue Ram. and i want to get it a mate in attempts of breeding. Pretty sure this one is a female. Would appreciate if someone could confirm or tell me otherwise...
  11. german ram.jpg

    german ram.jpg

  12. B

    Pictus Cat In Trouble

    Tank size: pH: ammonia:0 nitrite:0 nitrate:0 kH:? gH:? tank temp:26 Fish Symptoms:bite marks, missing barbel, bad eye (red pupil abrasions) Volume and Frequency of water changes:1-2 a week Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:a plastic log thing (in which the catfish was hiding) Tank...
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    Pictus Cat In Trouble

    hi guys and girls i have got 2 pictus catfish and one i have not seen for about 2-3 days and today i did a water change and the catfish was still alive but had many bite marks on him and he is missing one barbel and has a bad eye he is still swimming around but keeps banging into the glass and...
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    Pygmy Puffer

    just got my new pygmy dwarf puffers, and I love them they are so awesome :wub: :wub: :wub: if anyone can help me upload pictures i will put some pictures up of them soon
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    Oscar With Popeye!

    i just noticed him vibrating all his fins when the severum comes near him, and then starts attacking the glass
  16. B

    Oscar With Popeye!

    Tank size: pH: ammonia: nitrite:0 nitrate:0 tank temp:26c Fish Symptoms: bulging eye slightly paled colors, and the eye seems to have bite marks on it!? Volume and Frequency of water changes:once every 1-2 weeks Chemical Additives:nothing Tank inhabitants:pictus cats, BGK, green severum...
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    My Angel Fish Fry :) :)

    I've just had a whole bunch more (30+) hatch and are now free swimming will post link soon
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    My Angel Fish Fry :) :)

    these are my angel fish fry im so happy to get them this far 85 days old! (as these are my first fry) and have been released into their new tank. (not sure if link will work...
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    Where's Ya Pleco

    will post an image as soon as i can :good:
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    My Angel Fish Fry!

    aren't they cute :wub:
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    Corys Barbels Missing

    I have 4 small 1cm(ish) panda corys :wub: on a fine substrate with little or no barbels is there a way to help these little fellas :-(
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    Angel Fish Fry

    they do not have their parents with them and they will be 29 days old
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    Angel Fish Fry

    i am going away for the weekend and i have some 25 (from eggs being laid) days old angel fish fry will they be allright :unsure: :crazy:
  24. B

    Small Kind Of Catfish? :)

    deffinitely corys :good:
  25. B

    Hello From England!

    hello and welcome to the forum :good:
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    Will These Fish Get Along?

    black moors are cold water and angels/gouramis are tropical :no: . fish to go with the gouramis would be tetras, corys, hatchets, ottos or Bristle bristle nosed plecs :nod:
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    10 Gallon Tank

    yeah some rams would probably look quite good in a planted tank with some tetras in with them :nod: :good:
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    10 Gallon Tank

    i would not think so as most of the cichlids crow 10cm+ and need to have other cichlids with them to feel comfortable so in short no :no:
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    Oh The Shame

    deffinitely bronze not panda corys great fish though :good:
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    Holes And Torn Leaves

    i dont think there is anything wrong with the leaves (i may be wrong) but i think you should take the leaves out just to be sure.
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    Cichlid Question

    so i should put more than one in with him :hey:
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    Cichlid Question

    Hi guys i was wonering could I keep a peacock cichlid on his own without any other fish :huh:
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    What The Heck Is This?

    no idea what it is :no: but i would get it out strait away :crazy:
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    My First Fry :d :d

    thankyou so much for the help SaTIVa1987 :good:
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    My First Fry :d :d

    i have finally got my first fry to hatch :) :good: :hyper: (not including the single peacock cichlid fry that i found when it was 5mm long) now they are on day three and have just started to wriggle around and are still attached to the leaf the eggs were laid on. I am thinking that they are...
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    Is It A Miracle ?

    i have a 300L African Cichlid tank, and one day I was feeding them and i saw a small bit of movement and saw that it was a baby peacock cichlid now he is about 1cm long and eating crush flake in a net breeder in the 300L tank.
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    How Long?

    its not dirt thats in the wood its actually tannis and youre never going to get all of it out i soaked my piece of wwod for about 4 weeks and then put it in my tank about 3 months ago and it is still giving of tannis :nod:
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    When Does A Bn Plec Get Bristles?

    if its female it will not get bristles my 2 males got their bristles about 1.5 inches
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    How Many?

    I was planning on getting 2 pimelodus pictus catfish :hey: but is this enough or do I need more :huh:
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    Will Black Ghost Knife Be Alright?

    i have a small BKG about 3.5 incheslong and i am going a way for 4 days, will he be alright not being fed?