Small Kind Of Catfish? :)

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Fish Addict
Nov 28, 2011
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howdy :)

i would like to get a few small ish bottow dwellers for my tank as i lost my bristlenose not all that long a go, i would like to keep maybe a small clean up crew for my tank :)
can anybody name me a some small type of catfish that wont grow too large as i only have a 64L tank and wont be able to house anything too big!
Get a nice bunch of about 4 or 5 corys they clean like hell

My clean up crew consists of a small plec, a Chinese algae eater (sucking roach) and 4 virginae corys and my tank is spotless
awesome thanks guys, i've looked into cory's before like the look of them and what i've heard about them :) although i dont know an awful lot so i guess from here i go onwards into deep research ;) lol! :good:
I'll throw in that the "Emerald" or "Emerald Green Cory" is not exactly a Cory, but it is another catfish - one of the Brochis.
To be honest as well there pretty easy to look after. Feed them normal food bloodworm, pellets etc I chuck in a few algae tablets every now and again and they love it but they will mostly eat all the crap off the floor of your tank so they basically feed themselves lol
sounds good to me, i love the look of the pygmy corys they're knda cute haha, i think i shall definitely be getting myself some :D
I have 5 corys in my 64 litre. They are very active and so funny to watch. They eat everything. Peas, fallen flake, brine shrimp (when that block falls-it's theirs lol) algae wafers, pellets-easiest fish to look after!
I love the pygmy ones-they are incredibly cute! My local dobbies garden world has lots of them it's so hard to resist!
For something a little different, a group of at least six (ideally 10+) "African Bumblebee Catfish" could work in a 64l. However, you need to be sure what you are getting, as some Microsynodontis species sizes go upto ~8cm (M. batesii). On the other end of the scale, the ones I'm suggesting here, are species like M. polli or M. "sp.2"
I also have a 64ltr tank and have 2 otocinclus, they clean the glass along with plants, ornaments and gravel. I plan on getting another at a later date there proper cute too. You can also get zebra otocinclus too but not seen any yet
Pitbull plecos if you can find them. I have one and need some friends for him. Great little pleco. 2" max length :)

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