Oh The Shame

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I don't know how that was in defence of someone who didn't know what they were buying. It's an example of doing your research and knowing your stuff yourself because you can't rely on every shop - which was precisely my point all along.

You are exactly right. And MY point was simply that people new to the aquarium trade dont realise they HAVE to research until AFTER their unfortunate experience. They come here AFTER they discover their LFS is less than knowledgeable and have already concluded they need to research - hence joining an aquarium forum: to learn. Beating someone up about something they already know now isnt helpful. I wasnt specifically having a go at particular people in this thread, either. I have simply noticed, as a fairly new member and having read many many threads on this site, that some members can be pretty harsh toward newbies who are asking what are, to the old-hands, dumb questions.

1) I haven't been harsh. At all. I could've been, but I'm never harsh on new posters. There is a difference, a huge difference, between being harsh on someone and being honest. Too many people on here cry "don't be mean" at people who are just being matter of fact.

2) I'm not talking about any old situation in which someone didn't know what they were getting into or the needs of a fish they were buying. The bronze corys bought are perfectly suitable for the tank - this is not a thread where everyone is saying "no, take it back, too big/aggressive/slow for your tank". The point I was making, and it is a perfectly valid point, is that for someone to buy bronze corys thinking they're panda corys shows me that zero research into corys was done before purchase. The fact the assistant didn't correct him is irrelevant - like we know, it's impossible to rely on them. Therefore THAT was the point I was making - can you see the difference?

3) Don't be so quick to jump down someone's throat and say "oh you're just having a go at the newbie". I don't have a go at newbies, in fact there are a few newbies on here who would probably say the opposite (I hope). I get direct messages from people who don't want to post and have someone jump on them for asking a "stupid" question. I like to think I make an effort to help. Just because I don't butter my words or skim over the parts where someone was in the wrong doesn't make me harsh.

Feel free to drag the post out further, but I hope you see my point now - there's no harm done by the lack of research but there's no defence of it either. It's lucky it was only a mix up of species, for once.
Indeed soybean.

If we go to blame, then there is blame both sides. As mentioned, fishkeepinng is something you learn, and you can't learn it all beforehand.

Fortunately Bronze and Panda grow to a similar size, and if they had sold me a fish that was advertised as a 6cm fish that was actually a 50cm fish, I'd have had to return them or get a better tank.

The most omportant thing for this topic, and indeed any topic is that if it helps someone not make the same mistake ion the future, then it has been worthwhile, and there's been plenty said that I think many new fishkeepers can take away with them.
Just to add a little onfo.... Yes, the staff in each pah store are different, it's best to do your own research on fish before u buy them, staff at pets at home are trained, they have stepped books they must complete before being allowed to sell any pet! Whether it be a mammal, invert, reptile or fish! The managers at the store are responsible for extra training and making sure the staff's knowledge is kept updated. If the managers of that store don't care, then their staff will not! My local pah when it opened had a superb fish section manager! He got ALOT of complaints from customers but only because he would refuse to sell fish to an inadequate home (people wanting to keep a huge goldfish in a tiny unfiltered bowl, or people wanting a 'nemo' for their child without research or a tank even!)

I haven't been to my local pah looking for fish recently however I know the standard has come down since he left, but by how much I do not know.

Also mislabelling is very common, not just in pah..... Think about it tho, imagine making labels for all the fish and putting them out! Fish hide! Say you print 50 labels and there is 100 tanks! And what if u trust someone else to put them out?

Anyway I don't mean to be rude and I know u now know that u should have done some research but..... Did u not think that maybe panda corys would have black and White patches over their eyes? Hence the name? Or did u just think that this was what the breed looked like?xx
No worries Soybean! I learned a lot from reading this thread. Straightforward honesty IS always better. I was a little bummed at first reading this thread.... My mistakes made me feel stupid. Hope everyone gets a lesson from this one!
I thought that as they were clearly youg fish, and as they had no real distinct markings, I assumed that their markings would develop! Quite embarrassing really!

However, their markings have developed a bit more as they've grown.

For a new tank, and the mistakes I've made, all the fish have grown. I don't know what rate any of my fish grow at, but growing in the face of adversity (ie me!), I'm happy!
Well we all learn from our mistakes :) glad ur happy :) happy fishkeeping!!! :).xx
As absolutely tempting as it is to go into a fish shop (or any place of your personal interest) all cashed up and ready to spend I think the best thing anyone can do is pause and listen to the advice the sellers are giving out to other customers. This works if you have done a bit of reading up on one or two species and then check if the assistant shares similar knowledge, or if the information the seller is giving out to other customers sounds feasible regarding the fish you already know about. I often hang around in the fish section of my local pet shop and listen to the customers and the staff, and on occasion I have corrected either if their information is way off track- thankfully this isn't often with this particular pet shops staff.

I was in a pet shop the other day (no where near one of my regulars but I still know the shop from many years of trading), looking for some ottocinclus. The co-owner didn't know about all of the fish so got her hubby (other owner) to come over and help. He knew he didn't have any otto's (plenty of other fish that my other sort of nearby pet shops don't get), and straight away suggested Algea Eaters. I immediately stated "No, too big and aggro when mature" to which he agreed and confirmed them being known for sucking onto larger fish and just generally turning into terrorists. He then suggested Bristle noses (after asking what size tank I had and I'd told him the size of all my tanks but no other tank inhabitants), and my reply was "No, got hundreds of them they breed like crazy". Then he finally came clean on why he didn't get in otto's usually "Because they are expensive and most people don't know what they are or their requirements". He still didn't ask what other fish I was intending to put with the otto's but was willing enough to order some in for me. So in a wrap up of this particular pet shop experience, the guy does know his stuff BUT has been in the trade for so long and so used to people just buying what ever they want whether its a good idea or not that it's like he has lost the passion. I know for a fact he gets in some of the best tank display stuff and ornaments as well as totally different foods and medications to what I can normally get. So does my one recent experience make this pet shop a bad one? No, but the key is my own research, knowledge and experience. Would I reccomend this shop to others, yes but only after knowing myself what the person was wanting. Would I suggest this shop to a total fish keeping newbie? Most likely not, not unless I was going along as well and able to help with information.

The upshot is we all need to do our own research, even though nearly 99% of first time fish keepers never did and just muddled through on a constant learning curve, and I am glad for forums like this where much personal experience can be shared with the masses, and other people who are just realising the need for more information are able to come here and get sound adivice.
Hows the tank going Lurch (seems the last thing people are worried about on this thread :p )
Tank seems good! Reasonable regular water changes to keep the ammonia in check, never seen any nitrite, but there's been evidence of nitrate, so something's working in there! Got liquid ammonia test, but not got a master kit atm, so all but ammonia is off sticks until I get to the shop.

The fish seem happy, male glowlight is keeping the girls in check, and as I mentioned, they seem to be growing, so it can't be too bad in there!
Popped in yesterday as I was getting low on AquaSafe, and the other place that someone recommended had run out.

Still got the Panda Cory label on the tank with Bronze in it, and have notice that there is now a Bronze label, and it's on a Bronze tank. Bit disappointed they haven;t replied to my emails, may mail them again as I noticed that Bronze seem to be half the price of Pandas!!
I was thinking of upping them as they're great fish.

I've got a floor of 2'x1' (near as #39####), so I was certainly going to add another one - think 6 might be a bit too much. I live near Tingley Tropicals, and I know they keep Bronzes in stock. I'd like to get one sooner, but I'd like my tank to be cycled first - it's only had fish in it for 2 weeks.

Kinda wish I bought a bigger tank, but most of the fish I like are bottom feeders - I'd love a Plec and some Clown Loach, but that isn't going to happen in that tank!!

Fu's buddy is indeed Kung. It was meant to be amusing for my 3 year old who had just watched the movie, but she didn't get it!! I think Fu is male and Kung is female, but until they're a little bigger, I don't think I can be 100% sure. I'm going to have to watch the movie again to find more names.

They're easy to tell apart, Fu has a more reclined fin than Kung, and since the ammonia spike, Kung is also a lot lighter in colour than Fu. Kung is lazier than Fu too!
deffinitely bronze not panda corys great fish though :good:

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