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    Sick Angelfish

    for your immediate situation try getting some ammo-block or some ammonia blocking agent from the fish shop. In future, run a small filter in the aquarium to cycle it properly for quarantine purposes. I agree with the other poster to keep a few livebearers or small fish in the quarantine tank...
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    black mollies are staying

    Hi, I am not familiar with Molliebrite..maybe we dont have it in the US or maybe I just haven't come across it..but to answer your concern. You didnt mention whether you just got your mollies or whether they started behaving this way suddenly. If they are brand new, give them a day and see...
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    help ich is frustrating!!!

    Hey Brad, Don't worry, ich is easy to cure if you follow a few simple steps. First off, to answer your question, no do not remove your plants or carbon they are not a part of the problem. Most definitely do NOT touch or clean the bio wheel as this may disturb too much of the beneficial...
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    Fin Rot Meds

    Hi, I like "Melaflex" which is readily available in the US and I would assume the UK. It doesn't seem to effect the biological presence in the tank and the fish heal up quickly with it.. The suggestion is to remove the carbon, but I never have..if the carbon is more than 5 days old it...
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    Hi Bradley, I think its great you have kept your neons for 5 yrs.. the lifespan of a neon is up to 10 yrs I have read.. What is your secret to neon keeping.. I have had them live about 2-3 yrs and have even bred them, although raising the young in numbers greater than 20 has eluded me..mostly...
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    help! my tetras tail is gone!

    Hi All, I did some research on the internet about fish euthanasia and I am not so certain as I was about freezing as a humane method. There seems to be some controversy over the method of which I was completely unaware. I don't have the answer yet, I am going to research it further... its a...
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    help! my tetras tail is gone!

    Wow, now I don't know what to think.. Every expert source, book, personal etc.. I have read suggests freezing is the most humane way to kill a fish.. The theory is the body processes slow down as in hybernation and before any pain is felt the fish is numbed...I am not a biologist so I don't...
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    help! my tetras tail is gone!

    Hi Genos, I just want to let you know the most humane way to kill a fish is to put it in a small plastic container with water from the aquarium in the freezer. The fish painlessly "goes to sleep" and does not suffer. If you leave the fish in for 30 minutes he will have peacefully died...
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    PH to high

    one last thing.. When introducing new fish make sure that after floating the bag for 15-20 minutes you start adding a little water from the tank so the new fish can adjust to different ph values before releasing in the tank. When I get new neons I take an hour to do this..cuts down on...
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    PH to high

    Hi, Your ph is high for the fish you described keeping and my best advice to you is to attack it from the water hardness angle. If you have not tested your water for hardness, I suggest you do so. Your water is most likely very hard with a PH that high. You can lower your hardness by...
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    Advice appreciated

    Hi Nick, I am fairly certain your betta died from a bacterial infection called Columnaris. Columnaris is frequently is called "Body Fungus" but in truth it is a bacteria and not a fungus. Unfortunately, in my experience, once a Betta gets infected unless it is caught very early on, the...
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    Green Severums

    hey, Congrats, I love green sevs.. one of my fav. south american cichlids. I am very glad you saved them from a superstore and gave them such a good environment they are spawning. A few suggestions: I know you mentioned your wife is not inclined to see your hobby expand to another aquarium...
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    A bit cheeky

    Hi James, This is most likely a swim bladder issue. I would recommend 1 teaspoon of freshwater aquarium salt per gallon. Constipation could be the issue as well. Goldfish owners have been known to feed thawed frozen peas to constipated goldfish to purge the system. If the goldfish is too...
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    guppie that has had ick

    Here are some suggestions: 1. Raise your temp. to 85-88 F. The ich parasite cannot survive in its freeswimming stage at temps of and over 85F. the parasite can survive and reproduce at 82F, that is part of your problem. The raised temp. also quickens the lifecycle of the parasite, speeding...
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    preggo platy?

    Hey Bradley, Thanks for the welcome. Genos, Think about it this way.. if you raise every platy to adulthood that your female drops, you would have wall to wall aquariums and alot more expense that you could ever recover by selling them. At that point you might be happy rather than angry that...
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    Nitrate Levels

    Usually water changes reduce nitrates, in fact it is almost impossible NOT to reduce nitrates with the weekly water changes. Possible to do 25 to 30% water changes as opposed to 20... I would advise you use a cycling product with your water changes because your tank is still pretty young...
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    preggo platy?

    Hello, The main culprits will most likely be the adult platies. Platy fish have no parental instincts and all fish instinctively try to eat anything moving that is smaller than they are. The rule of thumb is if they can fit it in their mouths they will eat it. Keeping the fish well fed is...