Nitrate Levels

nick amado

New Member
Mar 7, 2003
Reaction score
Los Angeles
I've had my tank for two and a half months. I've got all my levels under control except the Nitrate. It's at the lowest possible level of "dangerous" (an 80 according to my Quick Dip color chart). It has been like that after two or three weeks of weekly 20% water changes in which I siphon out poop and food from the gravel.

I also add Cycle to my tank after every waterchange. Ammonia, PH and Nitrites are fine, what can I do about Nitrate level? (Freshwater tank.)

Thanks to all who can help this newbie.
Usually water changes reduce nitrates, in fact it is almost impossible NOT to reduce nitrates with the weekly water changes.

Possible to do 25 to 30% water changes as opposed to 20... I would advise you use a cycling product with your water changes because your tank is still pretty young.

The other solution to excess nitrates is the addition of live plants to the aquarium. Java moss or any low maintanance plant like water sprite will suffice.

Your post doesn't state whether your nitrates are declining with each test or pretty much staying at the same level.

If you find that they are on the decline with each test, that is an indication that the levels are stabalizing and should be ok within a few weeks.

There is a product called Nitra-sorb that is available and though I haven't used it I hear it is effective.

Good luck and its excellent to hear you are testing for nitrates and nitrites many new aquarists don't know the importance.

There are several products which remove nitrate from the water,Nitrazorb is the only one i know is available both sides of the pond but the only surefire way i know of is bigger or more frequent water changes but firstly have you tested your tapwater,where i live in London the tapwater it self has a reading of 60ppm so no ammount of water changes brings it down without prior treatment,have to use RO water or run it through a Nitragon cannister.

I can vouch for Nitra-zorb. Took about 5-7 days to reduce levels of nitrate and nitrite, which i believe was responsible for premature death of 2 clown loaches. (the new ones are now very happy and active).

I would also check that your pump/filter is powerful enough for aquarium size. On another tank I had, I was using an undergravel filter with a powerhead. (4ft*1ft tank). I changed this to a freestanding self contained pump and it did the job as well, although took a little longer than the Nitra-zorb.

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