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  1. Mr Melt

    Tank Leaking (Then Suddenly Not)?

    Hello all; been a long time since I last posted here! Anyways my problem is all in the title lads; apologies in advance if I posted this onto the wrong board. Anyways, I just bought a brand new Shrimp Set 30 litre tank a good few days ago (living in Lund, Sweden). Set it all up and cycled the...
  2. shrimp_set_30.jpg


  3. Mr Melt

    Moving House Tips

    UPDATE - Its been a week since the move (and I finally have internet). The fish all survived the transition, and seem to be doing fine (although they ARE a bit jumpy and nervous when I'm in close proximity to them =P Thanks everyone for advice - it was well heeded!
  4. Mr Melt

    Moving House Tips

    Rightyo - so drain the tank completely then move it. Question; how do people here completely drain their tanks? Is it not a complete chore, constantly scooping up water with a glass or whatever?
  5. Mr Melt

    Moving House Tips

    Tomorrows the moving day; by God I am dreading this ¬_¬ My plan (based upon advice from yourselves and others) is to drain the 50 litre to a certain depth (about 4-5 inches) and just transport it like that. Regarding the big one; the plan is to bag the fish in big bags (therefore preserving...
  6. Mr Melt

    Discus Swimming Upside Down?

    Hes too well hidden; I can't get a photo. Interestingly he now appears to be under a swordleaf, swimming upright (by that I mean properly oriented, but shimmying underneath the leaf and constantly "swimming in place" - something tells me that if I were to remove the leaf he would float to the...
  7. Mr Melt

    Discus Swimming Upside Down?

    After doing a large waterchange I have noticed no difference; he is directly upside down, with his belly floating above the water surface. I had a look, and it seems to be quite swollen; I'm thinking maybe constipation? If that is the case I was going to starve the fish for a few days then try...
  8. Mr Melt

    Discus Swimming Upside Down?

    The tank is a Rio 180; the PH was originally 7.1 (but for some reason the recent PH test shows it at something like 6.4.....) Seems to have a small ammonia burst (1ppm; currently doing a large water change). Nitrite/Nitrate unchanged. I tend to do a 25% water change every week to keep the...
  9. Mr Melt

    Discus Swimming Upside Down?

    Allright lads; I woke up this morning to find my Discus swimming upside down throughout my tank; I've no idea what caused it (whether it be bacterial or trauma inflicted) nor do I know how to treat it. If anyone has any ideas I'd really appreciate it - he's my favourite fish and I've lost far...
  10. Mr Melt

    Moving House Tips

    Thanks for the feedback lads. One problem; this requires bringing the big tank downstairs (past a narrow staircase that only 2 men could probably carry). I was considering using a single mattress and "sliding" it down the stairs; if someone grabs the front of the mattress and guides it down it...
  11. Mr Melt

    Moving House Tips

    Allright lads; haven't posted on this forum in quite some time now! Well as a student its time for me to move out of my current house and into a new one. Problem is that I happen to have a Juwel Rio 180 tank and an Interpet 50L tank in my room. I'm not sure how I should proceed by moving the...
  12. Mr Melt

    So Importing Live Animals Is Illegal (Uk)?

    The Sun's just as bad; thats why I refuse to buy papers these days; prefer BBC News (for the public comments and the relatively unbiased reporting).
  13. Mr Melt

    So Importing Live Animals Is Illegal (Uk)?

    He owns near about everything else. I keep getting the papers mixed up ¬_¬
  14. Mr Melt

    So Importing Live Animals Is Illegal (Uk)?

    But by "for example" importing Goldfish from their countries of origin (I hear Thailand is a BIG exporter of tropical/coldwater fish) do pet shops here not break the law themselves? Also, I'm in Northern Ireland so I've had to import some fish from across the water at times. Not too much...
  15. Mr Melt

    So Importing Live Animals Is Illegal (Uk)? What is this? I know its the Daily Mail (aka. the right wing arm of Murdoch) but what are your thoughts on this? Personally I think its relatively fine to send fish abroad, provided...
  16. Mr Melt

    Endlers Livebearer Fry?

    Thanks for the feedback/updates lads; changing the video name now =P
  17. Mr Melt

    Endlers Livebearer Fry?

    Allright lads; I was given quite a shock when I noticed these wee buggers scarpering around my tank at midnight tonight! Can anyone identify their species? From the looks of it I would say they're Endlers Livebearers, but I'm not so sure (as I was in fact expecting Molly fry, although it seems...
  18. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Comp - Voting Poll

    Arrgh - I MUST beat tank 2! (too evenly matched) =P It was a temporary problem; friends tank blew out and I was the only person with an adequately sized tank. At 26oC he seemed perfectly fine like! Suffice to say he's not in the tank anymore =P PS - Thanks =)
  19. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Comp - Voting Poll

    Break my heart why don't you ='/ Every tank on the list are cracker (bar mine; it gets the job done =P). Just because they aren't perfect doesn't mean they're terrible either ¬_¬ To all other entries - I think all your tanks are lovely! Some of you must have put some time and effort into them...
  20. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    ---(Thanks to Ludwig for allowing me to replace my current entry with this)--- Seeing as the competition is so good this month I've decided to showcase my favourite fish =P This is my Discus, Nero!
  21. Mr Melt

    What Kills Nematodes?

    I use Kusuri Discus De-wormer for any worm related problems like; even though its for Discus it seems to do the trick ;) PS - I'm in the UK (I don't know the US/EU/other equivalents sorry).
  22. Mr Melt

    White Slime/skin Peeling On Fighting Fish?

    Ah nevermind; the dose of Melafix seems to have removed the problem - he's perked up too! Thanks to all those who gave me information; great help =)
  23. Mr Melt

    White Slime/skin Peeling On Fighting Fish?

    Really, no replies? I thought this would be a relatively common ailment with fish =/
  24. Mr Melt

    Discus Damage

    I'd increase the temperature a wee bit (not too much - Discus don't like massive sudden change in water) and put in some Melafix. Is he the runt of the Discus school? It may help explain the random infection (if that is what it is; cause it sure as hell looks like it).
  25. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    Seems to have cleared up now - he's still pooping large faeces (not long but large) but all in all it seems fine. He's also coloured up a lot (become a lot paler and his red marks are more visible) - I think he's on the mend =)
  26. Mr Melt

    White Slime/skin Peeling On Fighting Fish?

    Allright lads; This really hasn't been my month for fish problems. My fighting fish Caesar (who I've had for well over a year now) has suddenly started going very lethargic. I was checking him today when I also noticed this white stuff around his head - almost looked like his skin was peeling...
  27. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    Not really; the worms on Google look much more red, thinner and with white-ish heads. The things I saw on my Discus looked bigger, thicker and more bloodworm ish. I dunno; maybe he HAS worms, but they might not be Camellanus. If you look at one of the photos I took above (of suspected worms)...
  28. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    Thanks for the fast reply. The instructions say to treat 4 days after initial dosage for heavy infestations; so I'll do a water change tomorrow then put another dose in. I dunno though, it just seems painful for the poor lad at the moment, even though hes still bright and cheerful (and still...
  29. Mr Melt

    My Snowball Pleco (Hypancistrus Contradens)

    Who will take a black moor with one eye? Certainly not a pet shop. For one, he's got nowhere to go; if I had the space for a coldwater tank (and the money) I'd probably do it. Second - there is no actual proof that black moors in particular suffer in higher tank temperatures (24-26). Remember...
  30. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    OK - strange update. My Discus is looking fine again; haven't seen any worms or anything strange. For the past few days I've been feeding the tank brine shrimp. Anyways it seems that everytime I feed him brine shrimp, almost immediately afterwards he has a poop - only the poop seems...
  31. Mr Melt

    My Snowball Pleco (Hypancistrus Contradens)

    Allright lads; My Snowball Pleco (Nibbler) is quite elusive; for £70 hes the most expensive fish in my tank (and also the one you see least ¬_¬). Even after a year in the tank he still hides and never comes out =P He must have been hungry, because after dropping an algae wafer into the tank...
  32. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Tank Of The Month Competition Entries

    Agreed. Hygrophila is without a doubt the best plant I have in my tank; I've got a load of Swordplants, Hygrophila and Cryptocerne, with xmas moss wrapped around my bogwood (with some anubias on the very end). The Cryptocerne grows slowly but its really nice, if you give it time!
  33. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    I'll give them some brine shrimp tonight, then treat the tank with the worming powder again on Monday. Finally I'll give them anti-internal bacteria medication to cap it off. Sound good? Also; today my Discus was pooping there again (immediately after feeding); it didnt look the same, but it...
  34. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    Does no one have any idea? =/
  35. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    UPDATE - Saw the thing happening again there; just fed my fish some Daphnia whereupon I noticed the red stringy thing again; whats more is that the strings were followed by like a large solid red bit from which they all stemmed. I know this sounds pure dirt like but I'm trying to explain as best...
  36. Mr Melt

    March 2012 Fish Of The Month Competition Entries

    January? Did I Quantum-Leap or something? Are we in 2013? Good; means the world didn't end after all =) Only arsing mate; that angel looks fantastic =)
  37. Mr Melt

    Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

    That Discus Powder I used said to use it only once, with another dose in 4 days for particularly heavy infestations. Either way if I've caught them mid shedding then I assume I've got them at the best time?
  38. Mr Melt

    My First Ever Fish Tank

    Looks well! :good: