Red Stringy Poop In Discus?

OK - strange update.

My Discus is looking fine again; haven't seen any worms or anything strange. For the past few days I've been feeding the tank brine shrimp.

Anyways it seems that everytime I feed him brine shrimp, almost immediately afterwards he has a poop - only the poop seems ridiculously massive in proportion to his size. I can't really explain it, but it almost seems like the food he's eating is just coming straight out the other end or something, but it doesn't look like worms.

Is that normal?
The brine shrimp clears out the gut so it's doing what it's meant to do, it's a good thing. Give him some deshelled pea as well if he'll eat it, you don't want any dead worms left in the gut.

Are you still treating with the Kusuri wormer?
The brine shrimp clears out the gut so it's doing what it's meant to do, it's a good thing. Give him some deshelled pea as well if he'll eat it, you don't want any dead worms left in the gut.

Are you still treating with the Kusuri wormer?
Thanks for the fast reply.

The instructions say to treat 4 days after initial dosage for heavy infestations; so I'll do a water change tomorrow then put another dose in.

I dunno though, it just seems painful for the poor lad at the moment, even though hes still bright and cheerful (and still has a cracking appetite!) =/
The brine shrimp clears out the gut so it's doing what it's meant to do, it's a good thing. Give him some deshelled pea as well if he'll eat it, you don't want any dead worms left in the gut.

Are you still treating with the Kusuri wormer?
Thanks for the fast reply.

The instructions say to treat 4 days after initial dosage for heavy infestations; so I'll do a water change tomorrow then put another dose in.

I dunno though, it just seems painful for the poor lad at the moment, even though hes still bright and cheerful (and still has a cracking appetite!) =/

Not half as painful as not getting rid of those worms...if that is what these are. Type camallanus worm into Google images and have a look there as there are several any of them look like what you first saw?
The brine shrimp clears out the gut so it's doing what it's meant to do, it's a good thing. Give him some deshelled pea as well if he'll eat it, you don't want any dead worms left in the gut.

Are you still treating with the Kusuri wormer?
Thanks for the fast reply.

The instructions say to treat 4 days after initial dosage for heavy infestations; so I'll do a water change tomorrow then put another dose in.

I dunno though, it just seems painful for the poor lad at the moment, even though hes still bright and cheerful (and still has a cracking appetite!) =/

Not half as painful as not getting rid of those worms...if that is what these are. Type camallanus worm into Google images and have a look there as there are several any of them look like what you first saw?
Not really; the worms on Google look much more red, thinner and with white-ish heads. The things I saw on my Discus looked bigger, thicker and more bloodworm ish.

I dunno; maybe he HAS worms, but they might not be Camellanus. If you look at one of the photos I took above (of suspected worms); do they look like worms to you?
I dunno; maybe he HAS worms, but they might not be Camellanus. If you look at one of the photos I took above (of suspected worms); do they look like worms to you?

The thing is I can't think of any wormlike creatures that hang out of the anus, as you initially described, other than camallanus. The pictures you've shown don't look like camallanus worm. I'll have a read around tomorrow and see if I can come up with another theory.
Seems to have cleared up now - he's still pooping large faeces (not long but large) but all in all it seems fine. He's also coloured up a lot (become a lot paler and his red marks are more visible) - I think he's on the mend =)

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