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  1. Aquariumfish912


    helterskelter, you're right! I tested my water and my nitrates are high. The way to treat that is water change, right? Also the water is soft, not good for mollies. Any tips?
  2. Aquariumfish912


    Ahh!!! A Platy just died! And another one just doesn't look good! The tank is newly cycled(or so I think) but maybe it isn't done?
  3. Aquariumfish912


    My juvenile Molly and a Molly fry, I believe, are suffering from the "shimmies". I'm thinking that adding salt is a good idea. Do I use marine/sea salt? If so, how much should I put in? Consider that this is a 10 gallon and I have Platys in there as well. I don't want the mollies to die, I...
  4. Aquariumfish912

    Platy Injury

  5. Aquariumfish912


    That was helpful. Now I have a few good options for "cleanup crew". Cories are adorable and fun; I know because I have three panda cories in my 55 gal fish tank. :)
  6. Aquariumfish912


    Thanks. :) I assume that I shouldn't add any other fish besides the Pleco?
  7. Aquariumfish912


    I am going to move 2 Silver Molly juveniles(both female; though one is still small like a fry) and 2 more Platy juveniles to from their 1.5 gallon fish tank to a 10 gallon aquarium. I have heard that 10 gallons is too small for mollies. However, we have already set it up and my mom won't let me...
  8. Aquariumfish912

    Platy Injury

    Well, her fins are OK now, and she's moving around more, though she still is edgy and leans slightly to one side. There are also some red spots on the Platy. This is all only on one side of her body. Last time I tested the water, a few weeks ago, these were the results: Nitrate-40 Nitrite-0...
  9. Aquariumfish912

    Platy Injury

    My female Mickey Mouse Platy's side appears to be torn up and skin/scales is peeling off. One of her pectoral fins are smaller, as if someone has been biting off of it. She is not acting herself, hanging near the surface of the water and swimming slowly. I have a 55 gallon aquarium with 4...
  10. Aquariumfish912

    Seahorses In Nano Tank?

    Well, we might wait until next year to do it, because we are planning to get a 150 gallon freshwater sometime soon to replace the 55 gallon, so it might be too much work to do both at once. So you might not hear from me for while.
  11. Aquariumfish912

    Nano Fish

    Very helpful. :)
  12. Aquariumfish912

    Seahorses In Nano Tank?

    Thanks. Well, there was a picture of a 3 gallon saltwater aquarium in the foster and smith aquatics catalog, but that might be two small, because there was no fish in it. Maybe an 8 gallon? We are trying not to spend too much money.
  13. Aquariumfish912

    What's Wrong With One Of My Molly Fry?

    I used to feed them crushed flakes when they were small, but they were growing quickly on the bloodworms, which also scatter everywhere. The probelm is that the fry steal food from each other! lol.
  14. Aquariumfish912

    Seahorses In Nano Tank?

    Thank you for the tips. I'm going to do PLENTY of research.
  15. Aquariumfish912

    Seahorses In Nano Tank?

    Ok. But is there any small fish easy to keep for the beginner marine aquarist?
  16. Aquariumfish912

    What's Wrong With One Of My Molly Fry?

    Good point. Maybe I should feed them food like lettuce or algae wafers or anything with vegetable content that is good for the fry. I'm also going to feed the grown-up Platys and Molly green foods. Thanks for the help!
  17. Aquariumfish912

    Seahorses In Nano Tank?

    Is it possible to house seahorses, maybe dwarf seahorses, in a small nano aquarium? If so, which size of tank and how many? If not, which small fish would you reccomend? We're thinking about setting up a nano saltwater tank in my room. It's my first marine setup, so I could use some advice.
  18. Aquariumfish912

    What's Wrong With One Of My Molly Fry?

    Well, we aren't going to introduce the fry to the community tank because our black ghost knifefish might eat them. We think that it is how we lost two Molly fry who escaped from a partition. Instead, we are going to have them start their own community by placing them in a 20 gallon tank. As for...
  19. Aquariumfish912

    What's Wrong With One Of My Molly Fry?

    In a 1.5 gallon fish tank, I am raising three Silver Molly fry and two Platy fry(the fry were born in the community tank so we could only rescue a few). One that was very small is eating a lot now and getting larger. But it's another Molly that I'm worried about. Everytime I feed the fry...
  20. Aquariumfish912

    Worried About Overcrowding

    My fish tank is 55 gallons, but we are planning to get a 150 gallon aquarium next year. :D
  21. Aquariumfish912

    Worried About Overcrowding

    Well, yes, I know all about that, looking on both sites and on own experiences, but now they are doing okay and have settled their own territory, so I think it's fine. We have had fish disappearences in the past, but everything has settled down and the fish we have now, even the small fish like...
  22. Aquariumfish912

    Molly And Platy Fry Problem

    Well I lost another fry :(. So we moved the rest to my 1.5 gallon tank, and the fry are happy. The biggest one is picking off a plant, literally eating it XD. There are no other fish in the 1.5 gallon tank, and the tank is actually larger than the space we left them in the partition. Maybe the...
  23. Aquariumfish912

    Worried About Overcrowding

    I am raising Molly and Platy fry, and even if I don't want to keep them, there will surely be more to come (as my Silver Molly and my 2 female Platys are pregnant) that I will become attached to. But will adding the Mollies and Platys I breed overcrowd the tank? The adult fish I have are: 1...
  24. Aquariumfish912

    Molly And Platy Fry Problem

    I had 5 Silver Molly fry and 2 Platy fry together in their own little shoal. At first, they lived in a breeder, but they got too large for it. We got a partition at a pet store and put it in. One fry escaped several times. We tried to close any gaps, but obviously it wasn't enough, because that...