

New Member
Apr 6, 2011
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I am going to move 2 Silver Molly juveniles(both female; though one is still small like a fry) and 2 more Platy juveniles to from their 1.5 gallon fish tank to a 10 gallon aquarium. I have heard that 10 gallons is too small for mollies. However, we have already set it up and my mom won't let me get anything larger. At this rate, will I be able to add any more smaller fish with the Platys and mollies? While I was looking forward to adding new fish, I guess I would what's best for my fish. I do want a cleanup crew, though. Will ghost shrimp do? All of the Platys and Mollies are female. I don't want to give them away, as they are special, the first fry I've sucessfully raised. I'm stressed, help! (I can put the fry/juveniles in my 55 gal, but I'm worried about overstocking it and we got the 10 gal just for them, so I wouldn't want it to be on vain)
i would say if they are all female for four fish that would be ok, but i'm no expert for sure..as for the cleaning crew maybe an albino bristle nose pleco as they don't get too terribly big? I've had mine for three years and it's only 3 inches long? just an idea:)
I always think that adding just 1 pleco is horrible as it will be lonely.
You could have shrimp in there, and they would do a good job, if you wanted you can get more colourful shrimp, such as cherry shrimp.
Dwarf cories could be good, as you could put a few in there, and they're only small :good:
That was helpful. Now I have a few good options for "cleanup crew". Cories are adorable and fun; I know because I have three panda cories in my 55 gal fish tank. :)

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