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  1. N


    thanks for all your replies guys,i think i will stick with what i got till i get a bigger tank.
  2. N


    thanks guys i will go with the dwarth big does they usually get?
  3. N


    i was thinking of a kissing gouramis.i change 40%of water once per week with gravel vac and 2 filters 150s.
  4. N


    can i puy a gouramis in my 15 gal.withmy 2 mollies,2 swordtails,and 2 platys.
  5. N


    it says to add 1 tablespoon for 5 gals.does anyone add more.
  6. N

    boring fish

    well i guess im overstocked now but planning on returning some.i have 2 swordtails,2 mollies,2 platys,bueneo aries tetra and a golden algae eater in a 15 gal tank.i have 2 filters 1 a 150 and a 200.
  7. N


    i have some doc wellness aqua salt and was wondering when you add it to the tank, do you mix it with water and then pour it in or just place it in the tank like it is?how long does one dose last before you have to add the full dose again?`
  8. N

    boring fish

    when i said more activity i meant some faster fish or more playful ones.i would never put aggressive fish in my community tank.its just it does not seem like my fish moves around very much and my tank is cycled and my params are ideal.
  9. N

    boring fish

    i would like to have more activity in my tank.thanks.
  10. N

    My Tetra has lost his tail

    can you tell us the size of your tank.
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    boring fish

    i have a 15 gal tank with mollies,swordtail and platys and find these very boring fish to there any exciting fish i can keep in a 15 gal.
  12. N

    community tank

    i was at big als and they had these little lobsters guys there some were blue and some were gray.i was wondering if you can put these in a community tank or will they eat the fish.does anyone keep little frogs in their tank and does the other fish bother them and what does they eat?i have a 15...
  13. N

    green terror

    thanks guys for your replies.i have not got one yet just doing some research on them first.small world indeed digital run.
  14. N

    40 gal tank.

    does anyone have any ideas as to some nice fish[not to small]that would be good to keep in a 40 gal.
  15. N

    green terror

    can you keep a green terror in a 40 gal tank.
  16. N


    how big does these get since i have 2 mollies,2 platys,and another algae eater in with him in a 15 you think i can get more fish?
  17. N


    well maybe he is aggressive and trying to mate but why with the pleco.he is now going after my dalmation molly.i deffinately think he is the culprit who done in my pleco since he was the only one attacking.are they always this aggrressive.
  18. N


    thanks guys for your help in trying to understand this.
  19. N

    golden algae eater

    im not sure if this belongs here or not but decided to give it a try.i bought a golden algae eater today and was wondering if any has any info on them like what they eat and how big they get?thanks.
  20. N


    i have an orange swordtail who stabs other fish with his tail.he has already killed a small pleco,he is now doing the same with my molly and platy.has anyone heard of this.
  21. N

    I have a question

    what kind of fish chilids do you have?you maybe way overstocked as it is.
  22. N


    maybe another type of tetra maybe buenos aries tetra.
  23. N


    i have a 15 gal tank and have 2 mollies,1 swordtail,1 platty,5 neon i stocked or can i add more?
  24. N


    thanks for the reply but i read in acouplr of places that said bala sharks cannot tolerate any levels of salt.
  25. N


    hi everyone,i am new here and new to tropical fish keeping.i got a black and white molly and was wondering is it a neccesity to add salt in the water.i also have a bala shark and dont want to hurt him with the salt.