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  1. Navarre

    Have You Overlooked These Fish?

    Im pinning this I dont agree with the "blanket statement" on species either. Although i dont quite agree on all comments in the post and i agree we can add alot mroe to this. I do think that by pinning this it will help create healthy discussion among members. Whilst i dont want people to...
  2. Navarre

    Anyone Have A Wii?

    Oh god yes the wii is selling like crazy. We cant get any in our store for love nor oney.. when we do they are gone within a few hours. My only thought is that if the other consoles are producing their own motion sensors then what does the wii have in its arsenal to compete against the others...
  3. Navarre


    I know its early days for the ps3 on reliability etc but i must confess that even though i am a huge xbox fan.... Im now on my 4th 360 as they have all died within a few months of getting them. :unsure: They never get moved around.. they are well ventilated etc yet they are on constant use...
  4. Navarre


    So do you think sony have shot themselves in the foot and not done their research properly? Im not for or against either console but im interested in the ideas and reasons across the globe why it doesnt seem to be as popular. I remember when the 360 was launched.. all the sony fans were...
  5. Navarre

    A Real Mystery

    I strongly advise getting an earthing strap. These are made from titanium and simply plug into the wall here in the UK. the titanium cord is dropped intothe tank and any current is simply earthed and no more problems exsist. be aware however that if you operate a sump then an earthing...
  6. Navarre

    Removal Of Problem Hitchhiker

    Put the rock in salt water and raise the temperature over a period of time. as the water temperature increases the oxygen content reduces and the crab may be forced to lok for better conditions.. if not then try and plastic coke bottle with the neck cut off and turned back in on itself. the...
  7. Navarre


    Ok i have waited and waited to see the thread where we are all asked.. Does anyone have one of these yet... when the Xbox 360 and the wii was lauched there was a load of activity but the PS3.... nothing... (looks at tumbleweeds rolling past) :unsure: Xbox 360.. launch date. we had 17 arrive...
  8. Navarre

    Anyone Have A Wii?

    is the Wii HD capable? i have read that its not. which was a suprise considering the other 2 new consoles are Hd capable. The Wii has to compete with the 360 core system which is only a little extra and upgradeable as well as hd ready. I know the controller is a huge selling point but the...
  9. Navarre

    Xbox 360

    I have a friend who uses a laptop hardrive on his 360. not sure how he has done it but it works. 20 gig is the only official Hd available so far but when the stand alone 120gig Hdds are available they say it will come with cables to allow it to port the info across. And yes, you can download...
  10. Navarre

    Xbox 360

    Yeah it looks sweet. However, all its components are available tyo exsisting 360 owners so we wont have to go and purchase a new machine. 120gb drive is tempting though so when its available in the UK i will want that as an add on to my 360
  11. Navarre

    Xbox 360

    Well it is played almost every spare minute of each day. with a family this size they are playing it constantly.. we now have 2 just to keep em all occupied lol. Mind you i have had th enew 360 for 3 days now and its not even been taken out of its boxy... PS3 is hogging the HD tv at the...
  12. Navarre

    Im Thinking Going Marine Again

    This thread serves no other purpose. Nothing that a serious hobbiest would consider worth reading anyway.. Closing this pointless thread.
  13. Navarre


    got a psp though i have never gone online with it so i dont know anything about firmware for it sorry :blush:
  14. Navarre

    X-box Live

    I got nearly every console going and sadly i have to say the 360 pushes all the right buttons for online gaming. Sony has 80% of the console market sown up before the 360 came along and the remaining 20% were mad eup of sega, xbox, nintendo etc. Out of the online gaming community (pc owners...
  15. Navarre

    Xbox 360

    My 360 has just died yet again.. thats No4 since launch date :angry: Good machine though :good:
  16. Navarre

    Uv Sterilizer

    The important thing to remember with UV sterilisers is having the correct flow to the size of unit. Too slow and you wont kill off enough pathogensin the tank and too fast and they willpass through and most will not be exposed long enough to be effected by the uv.
  17. Navarre

    Safely Integrating Two Tangs {sf & Pbt}

    I haveused a perspex divider and it does work. Im afriad the tank is very small however and nowhere near large enough for 1 tang let alone 2. Their scalpels are on them from a very young age. long before any arrive inour home systems. And yes they do use themmostly for show as they can do alot...
  18. Navarre

    Dwarf Tangs

    I got my LFS in a fluster afew weeks back when itold them the far east had perfected genetic breeding in selected tangs. They were called Bonzai Tangs and were fetching huge prices!. MY LFS was onthe phone asking around within minutes! lol..I had to come pleace and tell them there were no...
  19. Navarre

    Uv Sterilizer

    I would not be without one.. I dont say you must run it 24/7 but its worth having in your arsenal should things take a turn for the worse
  20. Navarre

    Name That Mantis

    in the event of a tie... buy more shrimps :good:
  21. Navarre

    Name That Mantis

    Thanos.. no other reason than a good mean name :good:
  22. Navarre

    Sand sifting starfish

    damage it badly. in fact dont do it.
  23. Navarre

    Most Likely To Host In

    yeah either one.. no gaurentees if they will host inanything to be honest.. not even ananeomes are always good enough for em.. fickle things clowns
  24. Navarre

    What Is Your Favorite Reef Safe Fish?

    oops sorry didnt realise it was 75 gallons.. forget those suggestions i made... Splendid wrasse... reef safe.. lovely fish
  25. Navarre

    What Is Your Favorite Reef Safe Fish?

    Hmm... reef safe.. I would say Sohal Tang Although i love Asfurs.. i have had several and they have all been reef safe too
  26. Navarre


    half an hour is a bit short IMO. When it comes to inverts, starfish and urchins etc i tend to acclimatise ovr 4 or 5 hours
  27. Navarre

    Suggestions On Ridding Myself Of Zoanthid Eaters...

    zoo spiders... generallly very very hard to get rid of... The only come out after dark so check the tank after its been in darkness for a couple of hours. They dont move fast so when they have been seen they can be removed easily. I suggest you observe after dark and if then dip the zoos...
  28. Navarre

    Camel Shrimp

    Camels shrimps..... dangerous and very unsafe with corals. i have seen em strip a tank down in a matter of a few weeks. Watch e cloesly.. they may not have developed a taste for them... yet... you might be lucky but i would be real nervous with one of tese critters in my tank :blush:
  29. Navarre

    Erm, I've Changed My Mind.

    If its a true slug (nudibranch) then do not consider keeping them.. 99% of them are impssible to keep alive as they willoly eat 1 specific food type for that species of slug.... if you dont know what it eats then you simply cannot cater for them. There are a few that can be kept.. the lettuce...
  30. Navarre

    Accidently Caught A Bunch Of Little....

    sounds more like pods to me. Copopods or amphipods. Good natural food source
  31. Navarre

    Two Dead Fish In Two Days

    I would say that a combination of lower ph (possibly even lower during hte night) and high temperature. The higher the temperature the lower the oxygen levels in your tank. remember that tangs are fish that require high oxygen content in water as they live in the surge zones.
  32. Navarre


    chromis tend to take refuge in urchins if they feel threatened. it might have been startled and dove for cover but missed :blink: Getting it out will be a problemthough.. they tend to stay in for a long time. A friend of mine was diving and the swell pushed him ontoa reef wall full of...
  33. Navarre

    Shark Tank

    a major problem arrises with mixing rays into the equasion with a tank filterd with liverock. Rays need bare and sady botoms. If you can house a sump and keep all the liverock in here then it wold be better.. then of course you are looking at a bare tank with no aquascaping so the choice is yours
  34. Navarre

    Aquaone Tanks

    although i dont own one i have seen teh build quality and they are extremly well built tanks. I agree about the lighting but if you are prepared to upgrade this or live with low light corals then its a good purchase
  35. Navarre

    Long Tentacle Anenome--critical!

    Hello and welcome to the forum. The anenome you have is a condys. An altantic anenome by the looks of it. Now these dont require the high lighting that other nems do but they still require powerful ones IME. Now for the bad news.. that nem is only half inflated by the looks of it.. when its...
  36. Navarre

    Setting Up To Fish

    If you set up the tank correclty and use mature liverock in correct quantites then fish can be added immediately.
  37. Navarre

    New To The Forums

    Hello and welcome to the dark side
  38. Navarre

    Sickly Urchin

    its not a conclusive theory and its usually used for starfish i agree. My suggetion was merely as a passing though just in case it had been caught in it and it could eject it. As with all inverts, acclimatisation is the key and if this wasnt done correctly then its possible it might develope an...
  39. Navarre

    Info On A Yellow Eyed Bristle Tooth Tang

    a bristletooth would have no problems in a tank of this size providing its 60 gallons or more
  40. Navarre

    Tang Question

    Hmm.. thats 66 Imperial galons . far too small fot al but the smallest of tangs im afraid. Bristletooth tangs like yellow eyes etc are ok but nasos will outgrow that tank in time should have at least 100 Imperial gallons (about 120 US gallons)