Uv Sterilizer


Fish Crazy
Feb 16, 2006
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im in to minds weather to get a 25w uv sterilizer for my 350 juwel trigon. is it worth getting one?. how many of you have got one and how good are they? thanks any advise would be great
Depends what you expect to get out of one.

They are very efficent at killing off 'nasties', but to be honest they tend to cover things up that you may otherwise want to know about and correct 'properly'.

I would not be without one.. I dont say you must run it 24/7 but its worth having in your arsenal should things take a turn for the worse
I run a sterilizer, and i must say its a must buy for reef tanks IMO as prevention of ich its the best medication so i run one and its great! I run mine 24-7 and change the bulb every 6 months. Only bad thing ive herd it affects your pod life in the tank, however i still see life in the tank and canister.
I too run a sterlilizer and I would not be without one. also, I've never seen a drop of ich/bacteria/infection with my sterilizer
It killed off my horrendous phytoplankton outbreak, but failed to prevent the epidemic that recently wiped out over half my fish.
The important thing to remember with UV sterilisers is having the correct flow to the size of unit. Too slow and you wont kill off enough pathogensin the tank and too fast and they willpass through and most will not be exposed long enough to be effected by the uv.

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