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  1. r.w.girard

    Am I Crazy?

    Thank you. That's what I imagined. Figured I would ask.   *What about leaf litter? Would that help survival rates? To make areas that can't easily be reached.
  2. r.w.girard

    Tiger Shrimp

    Good to know. I was thinking as possible food and companions for a Celestial Pearl Danio tank. So I suppose I won't.
  3. r.w.girard

    Tiger Shrimp

    I mean sure. So that may be from 85 to 75 - but is 65 to 75 a problem? 78 as a resting temperature would be too high for the tank, sadly. At least until winter is over.
  4. r.w.girard

    Tiger Shrimp

    At what temperature do Tiger Shrimp breed at? Would the low 70s slow reproduction? How sensitive are they to temperature fluctuations of a few degrees during the day?
  5. r.w.girard

    Am I Crazy?

    If I were to add some Daphnia magna and D. pulex ephippia to my heavily planted tank, would any of them make it or would the colony be hunted out as soon as they hatched? I'd love to add Moina sp. cysts as well but I haven't been able to find any for sale.   The set up is a very densely planted...
  6. r.w.girard

    Max # Of Fishes For 20 Gallon?

    One gourami shouldn't be a problem. Are you going with a honey? Keeping male and female guppies will lead to many, many guppies. Keep that in mind. And just to clarify about school sizes: the bigger the better. While you can keep 6 of a schooling fish together, it is not going to be as effective...
  7. r.w.girard

    Identify This Leech?

    Thank you all for the advice. And Ltygress, I would never dream of dumping a live animal down a drain - although I know too many of us do. Still he had been so fun. It will be sad to see him go [from the cup he's been living in, I mean].
  8. r.w.girard

    Max # Of Fishes For 20 Gallon?

    Harlequin rasboras are easily found - although somewhat larger than Hengeli rasboras - and you could go with a male-female pair of dwarf gouramis. Females might be hard to find at the local Petco and so a single male would be preferable. One of the problems of keeping multiple species of...
  9. r.w.girard

    Max # Of Fishes For 20 Gallon?

    There is no way to responsibly answer this question as any number of factors go into stocking an aquarium. Compatibility, temperature, pH, etc. as well as filtration all influence what fish can be stocked where. A small school of small rasboras [hengeli rasboras are vibrant and active and school...
  10. r.w.girard

    Identify This Leech?

    Plants, I am sure. It has all been very thrilling.
  11. r.w.girard

    Identify This Leech?

    Can anyone help me identify this leech? I'm interested in knowing if it is tank safe or not.   It is a planted Celestial Pearl Danio species tank that might contain Tiger Shrimp eventually. That and some snails (trumpets, nerites and assassins in the long run).   It seems to have eaten some...
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  14. r.w.girard

    What Goes Well With A Betta?

    You all disagree with with the modal verb "can"? Well, that is remarkable.
  15. r.w.girard


    You can use Prime to regenerate Purigen? I've always used bleach (as per the website...) which seems dodgy. Then I rinse it real good and then dechlorinate the [four-letter-word] out of it. These sodium thiosulphate crystals that you mention and Prime, how does one regenerate the Purigen with...
  16. r.w.girard

    What Goes Well With A Betta?

    Stanleo, if you are looking to put a betta in a 5 gallon tank, I would first advise that you don't, and then that, if you do, you do not house anything in it apart from the betta and a snail or an ADF.  Because 5 gallons is small and as such nothing else can really thrive.  Plus pollution from...
  17. r.w.girard

    What Do You Feed Your Bolivian Rams?

    I feed mine frozen daphnia and occasionally, although less now, bloodworm.  I also use a cocktail of sinking pellets, wafers and regular micro-pellets for my tetras which they also eat.  They eat everything.
  18. r.w.girard

    What Goes Well With A Betta?

    I have been quite successful with Hengel's Rasboras, Trigonostigma hengeli. They are very attractive, tightly schooling fish that are quite active. Have never seen any aggression from either side.  Further, they do not seem to outcompete the betta for good.  And, of course, otocinclus do well as...
  19. r.w.girard

    New Saulosi Set Up

    That is amazing. I'd just love to have a little pod of them...
  20. r.w.girard

    Gold Rams Or Apistos For 29 Gallon

    Sorry to hijack the post, OP, but, Willis, you think 4 bolivian rams can fit in a 29 gallon tank?  I've been thinking about getting one and was wondering how many would fit safely. I recently noticed on the seriouslyfish profile that they are gregarious.
  21. r.w.girard

    Should I Introduce Another Bolivian Ram?

    A quarantine tank really is a must.  So that is good to hear.  Really though, that fish that died really did not look good and I am not sure it would have made it in a tank by itself.
  22. r.w.girard

    Should I Introduce Another Bolivian Ram?

    If you were to get a healthy male, I would expect that you wouldn't have any problems.  The one that passed did look pretty emaciated when you got it, if I remember the pictures correctly.  And a sick fish isn't going to be able to defend itself very well.  The other option, of course, is to add...
  23. r.w.girard

    Electric Blue Chilids

    Or are you referring to electric blue rams, Mikrogeophagus ramirezi?  Whenever possible, use/include scientific names for proper identification.  If it is, males tend to have an elongated dorsal fin.  That said, not a great system... Just saw your former post. It is a Electric blue ram...
  24. r.w.girard

    Blue Rams Breeding

    I would agree with Fluttermoth that you should probably not remove all of the eggs, as it is worth allowing the parents to learn to manage their brood.  That said, if you did want to remove some of the eggs there is a number of ways to do it: remove part of the leaf, syphon some off with a hose...
  25. r.w.girard

    Bobs Tropical Plants....

    That is great news. Wonder what happened...
  26. r.w.girard

    Bobs Tropical Plants....

    Hmm, that's a shame. I've used them in the past and have been very pleased with the results.
  27. r.w.girard

    Water Is At 88 Degrees!

    Of course, the evolutionary advantage of labyrinthine fish is that they can get oxygen from the air as expelled from water as temperatures rise. But in the summer, you definitely do not need a heater.  As long as the low is, say, above 75.
  28. r.w.girard

    Why Do My Bolivian Rams Hate Each Other

    Well, even if you have a male and a female, it does not mean you will have a pair.  So that is one consideration.  If you are sure that they are male and female (make sure by checking the ventricle tube: round for female, pointed a swept back for male), you could try adding a third female.  A...
  29. r.w.girard

    Blue Rams Breeding

    If you are nervous about changing parameters you could either: fill a tank from a water change, making it identical, or else you could use a fry net or whatever they are called - a little floating net box that you put in an area with high flow.  The eggs would hatch then hatch there.  The flow...
  30. r.w.girard

    Single Male Blue Ram Burrowing.

    And, I know it is a hassle to hear people say it but: you really should rehouse it into a larger tank.  And you should add at least 3 more albino corydoras to the tank, even if they seem perfectly fine now.  Loaches might need a bigger group to.  So think about that\ as you move forward, yea?
  31. r.w.girard

    Single Male Blue Ram Burrowing.

    Totally normal then.
  32. r.w.girard

    Single Male Blue Ram Burrowing.

    Rams do "browse" meaning they sift sand and gravel in their mouths, then spit it out, while looking for food.  Thus the "mikrogeophagus" or small earth eater.  They also dig holes to deposit eggs into.  They do this by pushing the grave or sand aside with their noses, although these tend to...
  33. r.w.girard

    Sexing My Bolivian Rams

    Sorry to hear that.  Just lost my female as well, yesterday morning. Anyway, now you know and if you wanted a pair, you know how to find a male.  And what to look for in a healthy ram.  Good luck moving forward.
  34. r.w.girard

    Lost My Female Bolivian Ram

    This morning, after breakfast, I found my female bolivian ram nose down in a cryptocoryne, with its mouth wide open. Dead as a doornail.  Immediately pulled it out and checked the water parameters.   pH: ~6.4 NH3: 0 ppm NO2: 0 ppm NO3: 10-20 ppm     Temperature is still being read: it has been...
  35. r.w.girard

    Blue Rams Breeding

    So one of the main problems with rams is that, once their fry become free-swimming, which is a couple of days after hatching, they can have a hard time keeping track of them, especially if there is a shoal of fish trying to get at them.  They can only chase one fish at a time, so that can cause...
  36. r.w.girard

    Bolivian Rams And Gold Rams?

    You have three male bolivian rams? That is quite a few. You don't find them aggressive?  Anyway, to answer your question: they can be kept together, although it is generally not recommended as their water parameters are quite different. Also, it might be a good idea to flesh out the schooling...
  37. r.w.girard

    Blue Rams Breeding

    It isn't uncommon for new parents to eat their young. They may also have been eaten by other fish.  Or even the filter.  What else is in the tank?
  38. r.w.girard

    Overhanging Tank...

    Second or third the idea of purchasing some thick plywood in the meantime, and ASAP.
  39. r.w.girard


    Yea, they lay eggs, alright.  Little while ones.  But they don't hatch.  Silly creatures.
  40. r.w.girard

    Why Do My Bolivian Rams Hate Each Other

    Are you sure they are male-female? Have they ever spawned? Aggression does seem to increase before spawning, more chasing and biting than usual.  Might be something like that, although that shouldn't take three months... How big is the tank and what over inhabitants does it contain, out of...