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  1. M

    Help, Bristlenose Eggs

    hi everyone, i came home today to find my male plec in a cave with a load of eggs. this is a first for me so need some advice on what to do next. any comments would be greatly apprieciated.
  2. M

    Plecos With Cichlids

    i have a 4ft 220 litre setup with lake malawi and tanginikan cichlids ( mbuna and haps ). aulunocara, calvus, kipuma sp hongi, borelyi, blue ventralis, yellow labs, afras and lwanda peacocks
  3. M

    Plecos With Cichlids

    hi does anyone have any suggestions on wot algee eating pleco i can put in with my cichlids.
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    Cacatuoides ( Appistogrammas )

    yeah colours are great on them, just lucky my lfs store stocks them.
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    Cacatuoides ( Appistogrammas )

    just saw the cockatoo appistos, gotta get some of them. colours are awesome
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    Cacatuoides ( Appistogrammas )

    ha ha! didnt think of tha.thanks mr nice guy
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    Cacatuoides ( Appistogrammas )

    hi, saw these fish in my lfs,but can not find any info about them. would they be suited to a 220 litre community setup. also does anyone know where i can get some info on them. any suggestions will be appreciated
  8. M

    External Filter Advice Please

    what are they like to get spares for should anything go wrong, also do you have to use their filter media or can you use any of the other make media ceramic rings, carbon etc.
  9. M

    External Filter Advice Please

    looking to buy a external filter for my 220 litre tank, but only have about £60 to £70 to play with. any ideas and recomendations would be apprieceated
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    Stocking Suggestions For A 250L Community

    i like the thought of that setup angelfishguy but without the angels, not really fussed on them
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    Stocking Suggestions For A 250L Community

    i think would prefer to have more of the smaller speices of fish with perhaps a couple of bigger ones as a centre piece
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    Stocking Suggestions For A 250L Community

    getting a 250l approx 4ft tank ( size to be confirmed by sat ) stocking suggestions please. and would you use sand or gravel as substrate.
  13. M

    Stocking Suggestions For A 250L Community

    getting a 250l ( size to be confirmed by sat ) approx. stocking suggestions please for a community setup
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    Brown Algae

    bristlenose is in a different tank. thanks for the advice, will continue with the gravel vacs and cleaning of tank, untill gone. do you know if there are any additive i could use to help get rid of it quicker
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    Brown Algae

    tank has been up and running for about 2 months now. i also have another tank but this is not suffering the same problem. they were both set up at about the same time
  16. M

    Brown Algae

    hi, i think my tank has deveolped some brown algae. the gravel is turning brown and the heater has blotches of brown on it. it doesnt seem to bother the fish in there but doesnt look very attractive, any ideas on how to remove it.
  17. M

    Steel Blue Killifish

    thanks for looking into it for me bigC, living in south wales.
  18. M

    Tank Chemistry Problems

    thanks mate, them rainbows going to look great in your tank.i have got 2 filters in there now and that seems to be doing the trick at the moment, think it must have been to much bioload for the small filter.
  19. M

    Steel Blue Killifish

    ok, thanks.
  20. M

    Tank Chemistry Problems

    thanks for the advise, the fish where added after being told i was able to by a local fish store, i did have 8 neons but lost a few.
  21. M

    Steel Blue Killifish

    thanks bigC. as i said in the first thread, it only seems to be the smaller 25 litre tank that is suffering the water problems. the larger 50 litre tank seems to be ok, dont know why that is. saw these fish on a website and looked really nice. would love to add them to my 50 litre tank. thanks
  22. M

    Steel Blue Killifish

    hi, does anyone know where i can purchase a pair of really nice steel blue killifish at reasonable prices. none of my local fish shops have them. any help in this matter would be greatly appriciated. thanks
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    Tank Chemistry Problems

    thanks for the advice, ill be doing 50% water changes every other day, untill tank stable.
  24. M

    alright how you doing. just trying to get used to this set up on this site

    alright how you doing. just trying to get used to this set up on this site
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    Tank Chemistry Problems

    i feed one small pinch of mini granules every other day, the plants are artifical. ill just keep up the water changes for now, thanks
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    Tank Chemistry Problems

    yeah cycled tank for about 2 weeks with a mature filter then added just the 4 danios, and then the other fish a couple of weeks after. as for the dechlorinator i have been using interpet tapsafe.
  27. M

    Tank Chemistry Problems

    hi there. i am new to tropical fish and seem to be having a bit of trouble with water chemistry, i have two tanks one is a 50 litre and the other is a 25 litre. water chemistry in the 50 litre ok but the smaller one is as follows ammonia 4.0 nitrite + 5.0 nitrate 20 and ph 7.4. them reading were...